Page 50 of Her Wild Ride

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“Dad said you’ve been writing for a column under the London Rider.” Rock lowers the lid of the barbecue.

“I have.”

“Did you quit?”

I shake my head. “It’s my column.”

“But you’re not traveling.”

“I’ve traveled enough that I have loads of stories to share.”

“Or maybe you don’t want to give it up in case you go back.”

I stare at my brother. “What are you doing?”

“Cooking the meat.” He sips his beer, peering at me over the can.

“You know what I’m talking about.”

“You’ve been home for a week now. You never seem to stay anywhere longer than a week.” I hear the protective undertone.

Why does everyone think I’m going to hurt Bexley?

“I’m staying.”

He shrugs.

“I said I’m staying.”

“Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?”

“Convince who of what?” Blue lifts the lid of the steak.

“Whether Johnny stays or not.” Rock punches Blue. “Keep your hands off my steak.”

“I have one-hundred down you don’t last next week.” Blue digs a beer out of the ice in the cooler.

“You’re fucking betting on me?”

“We all are. Toss me a beer.” Alyx holds out his hands and Blue tosses him a can. “I bet you’ll dash at the three week mark. That gives you a week to convince yourself you’re staying. A week to struggle with the decision. And another week to decide you’re better off on the road.”

My own family is wagering my life and looking like they’re having fun doing it.

“You know what, go fuck yourselves.” I storm off.

“Come on, Johnny,” Rocks shouts after me.

“Don’t be that way,” Blue says.

“We’re only teasing man. We hope you stick around.” Alyx is as big an asshole as the rest of them

Their pleas chase after me, but I don’t turn around. I go the one person I’ve been wanting all day long.



