Page 106 of Unbroken Magic

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“Meeting tomorrow,” Nathaniel said. “Gabriel gave us an address for the meeting.”

Samael nodded. “Send me the details.”

This was weird. I mean, it was great that Samael and Nathaniel could work together, but it was still weird.

Nathaniel walked them to the door. When he walked back in, my eyes got stuck on the way his T-shirt clung to that chest of his.

“So…” I fluttered my eyelashes at him. “Come here often?”

“Annnnd I’m out,” Kyla announced. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but Nathaniel was already scooping me up.

“So, about that tying me up thing…” I said.

“Good God, wait until I’ve left the house.” Kyla slammed her hands over her ears, but the movement made her stumble on her feet.

“Are you okay to get home?”

“Werewolf. I’m fine.”

Nathaniel grinned at her. “Goodnight.”

Then he was walking up the stairs, his clean, masculine scent teasing my nostrils. I leaned close to his neck and inhaled.

“You’re sniffing me?”

“Can’t help it,” I mumbled. “You smell so good.”

“Something’s on your mind,” he said.

“I can’t stop thinking about Eachann. How can I have fun when he’s likely stuck in a cell—or worse.”

He went still, pausing at the top of the stairs. “You’ve put everything into HFE. Not only that, but because of you and Danica, paranormals are working together, and we’re going to shut all the labs down. There is literally nothing left for you to do tonight. You needed to relax a little. Do you think your uncle would judge you for that?”

“No.” But my eyes had filled. Nathaniel looked like I’d gutted him. “I just… I don’t want to lose him.”

“You won’t. He’s kept himself alive all these years. Give him some credit.”

I nodded, and Nathaniel stalked into our room, placing me gently on the bed.

I reached for him. “Need you.”

“You’ve got me. Always.”



Sunlight stabbed into my eyes.

I groaned. Everything hurt. “So bright.”

My nose caught the scent of a freshly showered Nathaniel. I kept my eyes closed, but I inhaled as he leaned close.

“Water and painkillers,” he said, dropping a kiss to my forehead. I opened my eyes to find the bedroom door open. Clearly, Nathaniel had already been downstairs, likely being productive.

I groaned again. Nathaniel smiled. “Tobias said to tell you he’s cooking you a large, greasy breakfast with sausage, bacon, hash browns… His eggs are a little runny, though. Especially the white part.”
