Page 111 of Unbroken Magic

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He was feeling better, he told me. His wing hurt, but he knew one day he would fly again, so it was all worth it.

My heart twisted. After everything his last pack had done to him, they hadn’t damaged his spirit. It would’ve been easy for Virtus to turn cold, vengeful, and bitter. Instead, he continued to think positively, soaking up every drop of joy he could from life.

“Let’s go find Kyla, huh?”

She was leaning against her car, her long legs crossed at the ankles as she gazed down at her phone.

“What are you doing?”

“The usual. Swiping on fuckboys.”

My phone buzzed. Nathaniel was calling.


“Hey yourself.” His low, rough voice made my toes curl.

“What’s going on?”

“We’ve agreed to meet Gabriel. It’s going to be a trap, but hopefully that trap helps lead us to him.”

My muscles seized up. “I’m coming too.”

Kyla looked up from her swiping. “Me too.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Nathaniel said easily. I narrowed my eyes. Kyla nodded. This was suspicious.

“We’ll need all the power we can get if we’re going up against the mage,” Nathaniel said, clearly well aware of our suspicions. “While our wolves could rip out his throat faster than he could blink, we’re outgunned when it comes to magic. That’s where you come in.”

“Good. Give me the address.”

“Sending it now.”

We hung up, and I opened our message thread.

The address Nathaniel had sent was on the outskirts of redcap territory. I shivered. Danica had once described the creatures to me, calling them “vicious little fuckers,” and both my sister and Meredith had once almost been killed by them.

The fact that Gabriel was sending us so close to their territory could be a taunt or a coincidence. It was hard to know.

“You want me to drop you back home?” I asked Virtus. He shook his head, but I didn’t miss how slowly he moved when he got back into the car.

Males. Stubborn, no matter their species.

Most of redcap territory was encompassed by Cheek, Junction, Ferrell, and Carpenter Roads. Still, only an idiot would go poking around on the outskirts of their territory if they didn’t absolutely have to.

Gabriel had directed us to an address on Clayton Road, which ran off Cheek Road. Kyla drove, and by the time we arrived, Nathaniel and at least twenty of his wolves had gathered outside, along with Neana. Seeing the fae healer soothed the worst of my nerves.

Unsurprisingly, Aubrey had turned up as well. Since it was likely the seelie king was working with Gabriel, Aubrey probably wanted to try to convince Gabriel to see the error of his ways.

Good luck withthat. Still, the fact that Aubrey would try such a tactic was further proof of how much better of a ruler he would be.

I got out of the car. Virtus placed one paw on the back window, and I opened the door.

He stayed in the car but stretched out, using the additional space.

Kyla stood next to me, and both of us surveyed the house.

“It doesn’t exactly look like the kind of place the most powerful mage in existence would be hanging out,” Kyla said.
