Page 121 of Unbroken Magic

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And then Finvarra was there, his magic burning away the lock on my father’s cage. “Lorcan,” he growled. “Next time you want to go off on some dangerous, mysterious job, the answer is no.”

Lorcan grinned, but his gaze immediately returned to mine. I looked at Finvarra. “You knew he was here.”That’swhy he’d decided to come.

“I’d hoped. He was powerful enough that it made no sense for them to kill him.”

Nathaniel’s phone beeped. He glanced down at it. “Kyla and Vas have Lennox.”

“Go,” Eachann ordered me.

“Are you crazy? I’m not leaving you guys.”

“We’ll help get some of the other prisoners out.”

My lower lip trembled. Now that I had Eachann and—holy shit—myfatherback, I was terrified they’d disappear. After all, Danica’s father was murdered mere days after she met him as an adult.

Eachann leveled me with his most stubborn look. “Go. Make sure he doesn’t get away.”

I nodded, suddenly unable to speak. Finvarra was helping my father out of his cage, and Lorcan smiled at me again. “It’s okay. We’ll talk soon.”

My pulse raced as we filed up the stairs.

My power sparked to life, fueled by rage. Vengeance was flowing through my bloodstream like poison.

I wanted Lennox Reesdead.

My mother was caged in a lab just like this. I was born in a lab just like this. My father wastorturedin a lab just like this.

“Breathe,” Nathaniel murmured in my ear, and I realized I was hyperventilating.

I nodded. “You go first.” I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t kill Lennox on sight. If Nathaniel was standing in front of me, I knew I’d hesitate before striking the HFE leader down right where he stood.

Nathaniel pressed a kiss to my forehead, then stepped in front of me. Following him up the stairs, I focused on all the reasons Lennox needed to stay alive.

He may have more information. He needs to be questioned properly. There could be other HFE cells in this country—hell, even in other countries around the world.

“I need you to make sure I don’t kill him,” I said.

Nathaniel slowly turned, his eyes almost white. I’d underestimated just how muchhewanted Lennox dead.

“He sent those men to take you from me,” he said, his voice quiet.

I knew that tone. When Nathaniel got quiet, it was a sign he was fighting for control.

Maybe he shouldn’t be the one in charge of keeping Lennox alive.

I shut my mouth, and he slowly turned, prowling up the rest of the stairs. Hunter was standing guard outside the door, and he nodded at us. Blood was splattered across his face, and Nathaniel took a moment to step closer to him.

Hunter dropped his eyes.

He was fighting for control himself.

“Do you need a minute?” Nathaniel asked him.

“They have kids on the floor above us.” Hunter’s voice was hoarse, more wolf than man. I caught a flash of teeth that were longer than they should be. “Babies,” he snarled and glanced at me.

My heart twisted. I hadn’t realized the pack knew the details of my early life. Hunter would’ve been outraged the moment he saw those kids, but he was taking it especially badly, knowing I’d been one of those babies.

Surprisingly, it was seeing Hunter fight against his wolf that helped me calm myself down.
