Page 128 of Unbroken Magic

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“I don’t like your tone.” Mm-hm. Going on the offensive was sure to help the situation.

Nathaniel just waited me out. I couldn’t blame him. Over his shoulder, I saw Finvarra moving toward us.

“She went to Guatemala to check out the demigod situation,” I mumbled, the words rushing out over one another.

It wasn’t often that I saw Nathaniel speechless. Finally, he recovered, a low growl spilling from his throat. “You let her go?”

“I’m not the boss of her.”

“That’s exactly what you are.”

Finvarra had gone still in that unnatural way of his. “Taraghlan will have some of his best people watching all three of you, waiting for a moment to strike in retaliation for the sword. If they find the wolf, she’s dead.”

With a shake of his head, he stalked across the parking lot. Nathaniel let me go and walked away, obviously too mad to talk about it. I swallowed around the lump in my throat. That could have gone better.

I’d give him some space and talk to him when he’d cooled down a little.

My phone buzzed. Danica was calling.

We crowed about our victory. And I told her about Lorcan.

“Your father is alive?” She let out a low whistle. “Wow.”

“Yup. We’re insanely awkward with each other, but…he’s alive.”

“Wow. That’s amazing, Evie. I can’t wait to meet him.”

My stomach churned, and Danica cleared her throat. “You better not be thinking what I think you’re thinking.”

“I just… I wish your father had lived too.”

She sighed. “I know. But do you honestly think I’d resent you? Or be jealous? Sure, I wish he were here too, and that they’d both meet and we’d all hang out together. But that’s not how life works. Now why don’t you tell me why Kyla’s not answering any of my messages?”

I filled her in. She was silent for a long moment.

“Are you pissed at me?” I asked. “’Cause I really can’t take another—”

“No, I’m not pissed at you. I’m pissed at Kyla. But I also know that if she left suddenly, it’s because she put something together. I think we need to try to figure out what that was, so if she doesn’t come back, we know where to find her.”


“Let’s look on the bright side for now. We got them. All of them, Evie. HFE is dead.”

I’d tell her about the mages another day. We’d had so few opportunities to celebrate recently.

We hung up soon after that, and I helped sort the paranormals into groups, ensuring everyone had received medical attention. Seeing how thin some of them were, not to mention the bandages, and the way they clutched at their children…

I was glad Nathaniel had moved Lennox already.

It took another few hours before everyone was organized. Nelson arrived at some point, clearly satisfied with the way things had shaken out, although he was still pissed at me. He’d gone into the lab with Danica and Samael.

Finally, it was time to board the bus once more. Eachann had insisted on taking portals back to Durham with my father. They were going to live together while Lorcan recovered. I could see him every day if I wanted. I still had to pinch myself occasionally.

I sat next to Nathaniel, both of us silent the entire way home. Everyone else was celebrating, but Nathaniel was clearly terrified for Kyla. I was scared too, but I was also convinced that she knew what she was doing. Kyla was impulsive, sure, but she wasn’t suicidal.

The pack had embraced me. Even when they were pissed at me, it was more the way siblings were mad at each other, and not like the outsider I’d been when I’d first started working for Nathaniel.

It was the Alpha who worried me. Nathaniel clearly thought I’d undermined him with Kyla.
