Page 23 of Unbroken Magic

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My cheeks heated, and he grinned. Then he turned and strolled back toward his clothes. And I got my first look at his ass.

I sucked in a choked breath. Nathaniel glanced over his shoulder and winked at me. I forced myself to look away, fanning my face.

“The, uh, dungeons are just through that door,” I managed to get out.

“Good,” Nathaniel purred in my ear.

I jumped. I hadn’t heard him coming up behind me. He nipped playfully at my neck, and my thighs clenched.

We could be walking into anything. And yet, my hormones were so fired up, all I could think about was the way his hands had felt on me when we were in his bed. The way he’d expertly played with my body, his mouth driving me to—


“Nothing. I wasn’t thinking about anything.”

“Uh-huh.” He gave me a pleased smile. I sighed, picked up my bag, and wiped the blade of my knife along my jeans. They were ruined anyway.

“According to Tilella, there will be guards in this part of the dungeon. We need to take them out quickly, before they warn anyone else that we’re here.”

“How many guards?”

“They work on a rotation. Every twenty minutes or so, a few of them do the rounds. But Tilella said there aren’t currently many prisoners, so it’s not as well guarded as it usually is. The guards are well trained, though, and I’ll have no choice but to use my magic if they spot us and try to take us down. We should probably use the ring.”

I didn’t mention the book. It was stuffed in my backpack and much more unwieldy than the ring.

“Okay,” Nathaniel said.

I popped the ring into my mouth and reached for him. The moment I touched his hand, he turned invisible as well.

Nathaniel pushed open the door with his free hand, and I clutched my knife in mine. Another corridor stretched out in front of us, only this one boasted hundreds of cells on either side. It was dank and dark, the air hanging heavy with the stench of mildew, rot, and decay.

Our footsteps echoed on the stone floor. There was just enough room for Nathaniel and me to walk side by side, and I peered into the empty cells as we passed them.

“Where could the sword be?” I whispered around the ring in my mouth.

I felt Nathaniel shrug. “The guards could have it, wherever they’re stationed.”

“Is it just me, or—given what we know about the seelie king—shouldn’t these cells have prisoners in them?”

“They should. I doubt Taraghlan has suddenly turned over a new leaf and decided to show mercy.”

The fact that Nathaniel understood my garbled mess of words was impressive.

My steps sounded loud on the stone floors. “So, where the hell are they?”

We continued walking until we approached the end of the corridor. I was officially creeped out.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and jumped backward, pulling my knife. Nathaniel thrust me behind him, and we both stared at the lone prisoner.

Even half-starved and covered in filth, the seelie woman was beautiful.

I spat the ring into my palm, and she didn’t even jump. She stared back at us, but her eyes were glazed, as if she wasn’t really here.

I couldn’t blame her.

Crouching in front of her cage, I waited until her eyes lowered to once again meet mine.

“What’s your name?”
