Page 38 of Unbroken Magic

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Kyla let out a low whistle. “You think people will believe you?”

“I’ll make sure we have irrefutable proof. He may be a king, but he still needs his subjects to follow him. Half of them are disgusted that he turned on the demons and allied with Lucifer, putting us all at war. Once they find out he was handing over his own people, he’ll be judged by the court of public opinion.”

“There’s a good chance it’ll make him more dangerous.”

“Oh, it will. So, we’ll need to prepare accordingly.”

Nathaniel nuzzled my ear. “You’re a little strategist.”

I raised one eyebrow. “I’ve always been highly intelligent. You just weren’t paying attention.”

“Believe me, when it comes to you, I’m always paying attention.”

His voice was a low purr. My toes curled, and I shrugged awkwardly before I could do something embarrassing, like blush.

Nathaniel grinned and ruffled my hair. His hand got stuck in some kind of mysterious goo, and he pulled it back with a grimace, wiping it on his jeans.

Maybe I needed to go straight to Vas after we were through here. He’d never attempt to mess up my hair again.

Kyla smirked. “You two are very cute and all, but we’re here. We all need to turn invisible and get the hell out of this realm.”

Nathaniel pulled Finvarra’s silver book out of the backpack and handed it to Kyla. I popped the ring into my mouth and took his hand. We hadn’t yet suffered any repercussions from me using my power—maybe because we’d been so close to the exit. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t some kind of surprise waiting for us.

We all stepped through the last door and into the main corridor leading into the castle. A different guard was on shift now, and he tensed as my shoe scuffed the floor.

Nathaniel launched himself forward, his movements utterly silent. A moment later, the guard was slumping to the floor and Nathaniel was dragging his unconscious body deeper into the corridor. He positioned him on his side, tucking him against the wall, and then held out his hand for me to take.

We all made our way to the end of the hallway.

“Oh shit,” I muttered.

No wonder no one had noticed Nathaniel attacking the guard.

Kyla made a choked sound. “Is that what I think it is?”

I stared up at the sky. Then I spat out the ring, wiped it off, and slid it back onto my finger. Super hygienic.

“If you think it’s the roc I lured into this realm, then yes, it sure is.” I waved my arms. “Hey, you big murderous bird, get over here.”

“What the hell are you doing?” Kyla hissed.

“Saving our asses.”

I needed to wield an illusion spell. I’d never tried anything like this before, but I knew how to do it. In theory.

I only had the barest hint of my power left, but it would have to do. If there was ever a time for a Hail Mary, this was it.

Closing my eyes, I reached deep into my power, pushing away all the fear that wanted to cripple me. I didn’t have time for it.

When I opened my eyes, my hair was blowing back from my face in a silent breeze. Nathaniel’s eyes had turned a pale blue, and he was staring at me.

He tensed as I stepped out of the corridor, but he didn’t try to stop me.

Shouts sounded as the guards spotted me. Turning toward them, I waved my hand, creating the spell on the fly. My power streamed from me, and I heard Nathaniel suck in a sharp breath behind me.

One by one, the guards’ faces all became mine. Their hair turned blond and curly, and their bodies took on my form.

The roc swooped. I ducked back into the corridor and shoved the ring back into my mouth. The roc shrieked its rage, and then it was arrowing toward the guards, all of those who looked just like me.
