Page 57 of Unbroken Magic

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I needed to turn right onto West Cornwallis Road to get back to wolf territory. At the last second, I changed my mind and drove straight toward Hope Valley.

Aubrey needed to know what the seelie king was doing to his people. And it was the kind of news I had to give him in person.

My gaze flicked up to my rearview mirror. The silver truck behind me hadalsoturned at the last minute. It could be a coincidence. But I was betting it wasn’t.

I made a mental note of the license plate. Then I took the next right. And the next.

The truck followed me. Sloppy.

Whoever was driving the silver truck was following me, and they weren’t even being subtle about it.

There was no way I was leading them to Aubrey’s. Or to the pack.

I ran through my options in my head as I drove.

These guys were morons. And if I could take one of them back to the pack, we could question them, and they could lead us to HFE.

I turned onto the next street. And another silver truck careened toward me.


I swerved just in time.

The truck drove past me and pulled into a driveway, using it to turn around. I flicked my gaze between the road in front of me and my rearview mirror as it joined the first silver truck behind me.

“That’s cheating.”

Two of them. There wasn’t much chance I was going to be able to take down both drivers. Now, my plan needed to be all about escape.

I knew this neighborhood. Had spent enough time in both werewolf territory and fae territory to figure out a place where there would be few humans around to get caught in the cross fire.

The car I’d borrowed from the pack was loaded with safety features, and it would win if it came down to speed. But two against one weren’t great odds.

My gaze shot to the rearview mirror. Several men were in the truck directly behind me, and I was betting the same for the other truck following it.

I slowed as we approached an intersection. The truck directly behind me didn’t slow.

It hit my bumper hard enough to give me a jolt. I crossed the white line and rolled into the intersection.

Thankfully, there were no other cars crossing. True fear slid into my stomach, thick and greasy. These guys didn’t care who they killed, as long as they took me out. I couldn’t create a ward around a moving vehicle and still concentrate on trying to lose them. I was good, but I only had so much focus. Especially with adrenaline pounding through my body.

I needed to make my way back toward wolf territory. At least there, I’d be close enough to call for help.

A third silver truck appeared on my right. It flicked its headlights at me, and my skin turned clammy. I was sandwiched.

I put my foot down. My heart pounded as I searched fruitlessly for an escape plan. Both sides of this street were wooded. But I’d take my chances.

Hauling the wheel to the right, I aimed for the grassy area next to the road.

The silver truck behind me clipped the back of my car.

I screamed as my car flew through the air.



Stars danced in front of my eyes.
