Page 64 of Unbroken Magic

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I saton the edge of my bed and watched my mate. She was sleeping peacefully now, most of the bruising gone, but the healer had focused on the deeper injuries.

I knew it would take time for Evie to truly feel like the pack was her family. And yet her commitment to protecting the kids proved that she was already a part of the pack. The thought of her alone and scared in that car…

My claws shot out, and it took a long moment before I could tuck them back where they belonged.

She’d done everything right.

I wouldn’t have brought them back to my pack either. It was difficult to admit, because the thought of my mate alone and in danger made me want to turn back time and rip all of the HFE members apart.

There was still one alive. The fact that he was breathing was an insult, but we needed to get any information from him that we could. My people would be going through their phones, but for now…

My phone buzzed, and I dug it out of my pocket. Xander had the one Evie had nicknamed “Suit” in our cell.

Rolling to my feet, I leaned over and placed a kiss on Evie’s cheek. I would find out exactly what they wanted with her. And I would make them regret ever targeting my mate.

Naomi was waiting downstairs. “Evie asked me to message Steve with the license plate number. He’s still checking, but he said it’s registered to a family in New York.”

“Not difficult to mess with license plates if you know what you’re doing.”

Good thing we had one of the HFE members alive.

Five minutes later, I was smiling down at “Suit.” Ryker stood next to him, while Kyla leaned against the wall. She’d come as soon as she’d heard Evie had been attacked.

“Do you know who I am?”

He strained against the ropes holding him. Then he spat on the floor. “Alpha werewolf.”

“That’s exactly right. And the woman you attempted to kill is my mate.”

A dark stain spread along his pants, and Kyla chuckled as the scent of urine filled the air.

“Yeah,” Ryker growled. “You fucked up.”

“We weren’t going to kill her. We were just going to—”

“Deliver her to a life of torture and misery?”

He clamped his mouth shut. I took a step closer, and he began to shudder. My wolf was pleased by his terror.

“You have one chance to live,” I said. “Tell us everything you know. You lie, you die.”

“They’ll kill me.”

“I’ll kill you worse,” I promised. “We let you go, and you have a chance to run. Or you die here. Decide.”

His eyes darted. Satisfaction slid through my veins. This man had terrorized my mate. Now he would feel exactly what she had felt.

“What do you want to know?”

In the end, we didn’t get much out of him. Someone had said Lennox Rees’s name when Suit first began working for him. But we already had that information.

Suit’s orders were to take Evie to an abandoned warehouse in Raleigh, where another group of HFE members would pick her up. Ryker had snapped Suit’s fingers one by one. Either he didn’t know where they’d planned to take Evie after that, or he was tougher than we’d thought. And the stain on his pants proved he wasn’t exactly resilient.

Smart of HFE to make sure none of the men they’d sent to capture Evie could lead back to them. I glanced at Ryker, and he nodded.

“On it.”

He’d take a group of wolves to the abandoned warehouse, but I had no doubt HFE would have fled the moment they learned their little friends weren’t returning.
