Page 67 of Unbroken Magic

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“Men are trash. Except in fiction.”

I grinned, picking up my coffee. I felt incapable of sitting, so I carried it to the window, sipping as I gazed out at the forest. “Great view.” I waited for Kyla to get to whatever she needed to talk about.

“Can’t complain.” Kyla sighed. “Okay. I’m a little concerned.”

“About what?”

“Nathaniel. He…interrogated the HFE member. I can’t explain it, but there was something off with him. He seemed toenjoykilling him, which I’ve never seen from him before. I don’t know if he’s just stressed or what’s going on, but…” She shrugged.

“Hehasbeen acting a little weird,” I admitted. I immediately winced. Talking about Nathaniel behind his back felt like a betrayal, even though I knew Kyla only had the best intentions. “I think maybe I need to talk to him about it. Alone.”

Kyla nodded. “I was going to suggest just that.”

“Did you guys get anything out of Suit?”

“He gave up Lennox Rees. But we already had that name, thanks to your uncle. They were planning to hand you off at a warehouse in Raleigh. But the moment they didn’t show, HFE would’ve known we had them.”

“We need to hit them soon.” I turned back to the window. “I’ve been thinking…”

“Oh yeah?”

“Gabriel. He keeps demanding a meeting with Nathaniel. And obviously, he’s hoping to make him pay for killing Albert. But I never understood one thing. Keigan.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Well, he said HFE put him in place to keep an eye on the Mage Council, right?”


“What if he was put in there to keep an eye on the mages? To make sure those mages didn’t betray HFE?”

“You think the Mage Council has been working with HFE this entire time?”

I had no proof. Just a hunch. But it was a hunch I couldn’t ignore.

“The Mage Council has always wanted one thing—to ensure humans were protected from paranormals. They formed the council, hired bounty hunters, trained their people—all to keep humans safe. It’s not a huge leap to think maybe they learned about HFE and decided their way was better. HFE may be bigots and murderers, but they do it under the guise of evening the playing field between humans and paranormals.”

“If that’s the case, maybe we have an opportunity here.”

“Exactly. Gabriel knows exactly who killed Albert, and he’s hoping to take Nathaniel out. We need to takehimout instead.”

Kyla made a strangled sound. “You have any idea how powerful he is?”

I turned to face her. “Well…no. Do you?”

She shrugged. “No. But he’s an unknown threat. We fail to take him, and we’re in deep shit.”


“You’re already planning it, aren’t you?”

“I sure am.”

We strolled out of her door. I leaned down to say bye to Virtus, and he got to his feet, staring me dead in the eyes.

He was ready to be healed. But he wanted Danica to be there too. Along with me and Kyla. And Meredith, if she could make it.

“Not a problem.” I smiled at him. “I’ll get it sorted.”
