Page 85 of Unbroken Magic

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“It’s a good thing I have a moral compass, because this little skill would set me up well for a life of crime.”

Nathaniel grinned. I slid my tools from my pocket and picked Eachann’s lock. His grin widened. “A life of crime, indeed.”

In a move I hadn’t seen coming, he pulled me out of the way and pushed the door open, blocking the entry with his huge body.

“You shithead,” I hissed.

“Save the dirty talk, darling.”

I was going to make him eat those words. I pushed in behind him, but Eachann’s house felt empty.

“I’m the one with the magic,” I snarled.

“Stay here.”

I scowled at the order, but he was already stripping off his clothes, leaving them in a pile by the front door. Obviously, he was planning on doing a sniff test.

He shifted and padded out of the room. I wandered over to the spider plant on Eachann’s kitchen counter. The dirt was bone dry, and the leaves were turning brown at the ends. I watered it and then opened his fridge.

I hadn’t exactly expected Eachann to cook for himself, and I wasn’t wrong. There was no expired milk, old takeout, or anything else that could give me a hint as to the last time he’d been here.

Nathaniel stepped back into the room.

“Anything?” I asked.

He shifted back to human and picked up his clothes. “If he was taken, it wasn’t from here. No new scents.”

I wandered through the house anyway, checking the towel hung next to the shower—dry as dust. His bed was neatly made. And while one knife was missing from his weapons, it was the knife I’d never seen him without.

“Whatever happened, it happened outside of this house,” I said. “I told him to be careful.” My voice cracked, and then I was wrapped in Nathaniel’s arms, inhaling his masculine scent.

“I just found him,” I managed to choke out before my throat tightened completely.

“I know. What was he working on, Evie? Where was he keeping his notes?”

I took a deep breath and glanced around. We’d checked his office…

Cursing, I slid my phone from my pocket. His message.

Left something for you in your office.

I’d thought it had been the donut. When Kyla told me it was from Nathaniel, I’d completely forgotten about my uncle’s message.

“I need to search my desk.”



My wolf attempted to rise to the surface when I parked outside Evie’s office. Ever since the book had tried to make me kill my mate, my wolf had been restless, untrusting of my ability to protect Evie.

I would have been irritated if I didn’t feel the same way.

“Enough,” Evie said, and I glanced at her.

She got out of the car, and I stalked to her side, sliding my hand into hers. “What do you mean?”

“I can feel your guilt.”
