Page 90 of Unbroken Magic

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Virtus’s gold eyes seemed to look into my soul. He was sure. He was tired of not having a purpose. He wanted to be useful.

A lump formed in my throat. I opened my mouth, but Nathaniel was already leaning down to talk to Virtus. “The pack loves you without your needing to beuseful,” he said. “You don’t need to do this for us.”

Virtus lifted his head and looked at all of us, one by one. He was doing it for himself as well. He missed the sky with a wild sorrow that tugged at him day and night. He was willing to experience the agony if it meant he would be whole again.

He’d made his choice. I wouldn’t argue. But…

“Can’t you do it while he’s unconscious?” I asked.

Eldan shook his head, his expression sorrowful. “Griffins are creatures of magic. He wouldn’t stay unconscious through so much agony, and it would be dangerous if he woke in such pain.”

Virtus looked at me. He would be fine. He was ready.

“Okay.” I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his furry head. “Let’s get it done.”



Nathaniel had four wolves hold Virtus down. But first, he patiently explained the necessity of each step, waiting for Virtus to give permission. My heart stuttered in my chest. I’d never loved him more.

Virtus looked at all of us, making it clear he knew such a thing was necessary. My heart thudded in my chest until I could hear each beat in my ears. Since Virtus was a pack member, Nathaniel stayed next to him, murmuring encouragement in his ear. Hopefully, being able to scent his Alpha would help Virtus through the worst of it.

And then Ryker began to break bones and cartilage, carefully following each of Eldan’s instructions. His face was grim, mouth a thin line. Everyone loved the griffin, but Ryker and Virtus often ran together in the forest. This was hurting him, too.

Nathaniel kept his arm around Virtus’s neck. The griffin had his lips pulled back in a silent snarl. But he didn’t make a single sound.

Kyla padded back into the room in her wolf form and wiggled under Nathaniel and close to Virtus’s chest. She let out a low whine, obviously attempting to let Virtus know it was okay to cry out.

He refused. And part of me knew it was because he was trying to protect us, even now. He didn’t want us to know how much pain this caused him.

Danica, who’d been sent to kill the griffin, who’d refused to hurt him, even if it meant losing one of the few leads she had to save Samael’s life, who’d let Virtus follow her home and introduced him to our pack…

She sat next to me, as close as we could be without getting in the way. Her shoulders shook with silent sobs.

Eldan worked quickly, still radiating that serene energy. His eyes narrowed, and he moved without hesitation, slowly shifting Virtus’s twisted wing into the correct place.

My face was wet, and I wiped at it. There were few things worse than watching a friend go through this kind of agony. Even if it was their choice. Virtus met my eyes.

It would be okay.

I just shook my head. “You don’t have to be strong for us. You can let it out.”

And then, Virtus had no choice. Because Eldan did something that broke even the bravest griffin in all the realms. He pulled out a piece of bone and dropped it next to him. Then another.

Virtus let out a roar, twisting in place, an instinctive reaction as his body attempted to remove him from the pain. Nathaniel held him tight, letting out a sound that was almost like a purr. Virtus went still, but he panted, and his eyes were mournful.

“What are you doing?” I croaked out.

Eldan didn’t spare a glance. “The damage was worse than I thought. He’s going to have to regrow these.”

“He can do that?” Danica asked.

“Yes. It’ll be painful, but it’s the only way to ensure he regains full function of his wing. He’s been in pain every second since the accident, his bones grinding against one another with each movement. That ends now.”

Everyone went quiet at the thought of Virtus in that much pain. Danica leaned close to him as Eldan gathered his tools, giving the griffin a small reprieve.

“You’ve been in that much pain?” she whispered.
