Page 95 of Unbroken Magic

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I closed my eyes and let in that calm certainty. I breathed in the knowledge that, unlike so many people in my life, Nathaniel would never abandon me.

He’d come to the seelie realm for me. He’d dropped everything andrunto the scene of the accident for me. No matter how much I pissed him off—and during our long lives, there was bound to be plenty of that—Nathaniel would always be there.

I hiccupped out a sob and pulled the bond toward me. It was shiny and strong, but Nathaniel seemed so far away at the other end of it.

Nathaniel’s lips brushed my forehead. “You’re still blocking it.”

I shuddered and looked deeper. Looked into the heart of myself, where my greatest fears lived.

Looked at my own insecurities and the deep-seated belief that, one day, I’d drive Nathaniel away. The way I drove everyone away.

Nathaniel was right. It wasn’t fair to him. Either I believed he would stay with me no matter what, or I didn’t.

Sucking in a deep, trembling breath, I understood what the problem was. The bond was there, but it was too…long. Each foot of extra length between Nathaniel and me represented an insecurity. A belief that I wasn’t good enough, that I was dangerous to be around, that I would ultimately end up alone.

Fuck that.

I yanked on the bond.

Opening my eyes, I saw the flicker of pain on Nathaniel’s face before he hid it away.

A dark, cold fury took up residence in my gut. I closed my eyes again and pictured all that extra length. All those miles of insecurities. I created a ball of fire in one hand as I surveyed the rope. God, I hoped this worked.

Channeling all my fear and rage into the flames, I aimed the fireball at our bond.



My head spun dizzily. Nathaniel hissed. I had to stop burning the bond at the right time.

“Evie?” Nathaniel’s voice was worried, but beneath the worry, I heard something that sounded a lot like joy.

My gaze met bright blue, and our bond slammed into me. My fire disappeared.

I gasped as I felt everything Nathaniel felt for me. His love was so deep, so pure, the thought of him paying attention to any other woman was ludicrous. When I was in the room, all he saw was me.

He could see all of me. All my hidden insecurities and my secret beliefs that no one would ever truly love me enough to stay.

And I could see him. His belief that he was a monster. But that he’d been changed for a reason—to save his pack. His certainty that he would never be good enough for me, but he would never let me go. His unwavering determination to make sure I had the best life possible by his side.

“Wow.” I stumbled a little, feeling drunk. “That’s…interesting.”

He threw back his head and laughed, and I could feel his joy, radiating toward me. The fact thatIwas the one who caused him such joy gave me a warm, fluttery feeling in my chest.

Nathaniel held me steady, and then his hand was buried in my curls. He pressed me against the wall, his mouth finding mine. I lost myself in the feel of him against me.

“Are you two going to stay in here and make out all day?”

Nathaniel slowly lifted his head, and I smirked as Danica planted her hands on her hips. “Let’s get this done before Kyla and Finvarra kill each other,” she said.

“Yeah, whose idea was that anyway?”

“Finvarra’s. But he cleared it with Samael first. Someone obviously has a big mouth since no oneinvitedFinvarra to this little party.”

That explained Danica and Samael’s hissed conversation. My sister was intensely loyal, and if she’d known Finvarra was coming, she would’ve warned Kyla.

“You have two minutes.” Danica eyed us both. “Don’t make me come back in here.”
