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There was a circle behind the carving of Lord Deimos that showed different archaic patterns. What puzzled me was the fact that these markings were glowing a blood-red color, almost as if they were alive.

"Runes." I jumped in surprise when I heard Helios speak. "The markings you see on the doors are magical runes."

I heard about runes before, but only in movies or TV shows. I knew they were like alphabets where each symbol had a different meaning to them depending on where they originated from. Could these have meanings to them?

"They're glowing, so does that mean they're active or something?" I asked, noticing how the runes were the only things on the door that were glowing.

Helios nodded. "They are. You'll find out about it when you meet Lord Deimos."

"Let's just hurry up and give Master the girl already," Xaphan said, sounding irritated that we were taking so long.

I was starting to regret my decision of stopping Helios from strangling him to death.

Helios must've been thinking the same thing as he rolled his eyes before stepping forward and knocking on the doors. We waited for about five seconds until there was a loud thud and the doors slowly opened from the inside with a rusted creaking sound. I gulped, not knowing what awaited me on the other side.

"Go on in." Helios spoke in a benign tone that helped ease some of the tension I was feeling.

If his master wanted me dead, I was sure it would've happened by now. I highly doubted he'd go out of his way to protect me if this demon lord wanted my head on a stick, but maybe I wasn't in danger. Not immediate anyhow. After all, I was still a prisoner and accused of being a witch.

I took a deep breath then walked inside. My mouth hung open when I took in the sight of the room. Considering where I was, I was expecting it to look more minacious. I was way off. Despite the Gothic vibe I was getting from this room with its obsidian floors, walls, and ceiling, and the symmetrical windows that bled with red light gleaming from the outside world, it was sumptuous. Spacious with a living area off to my left complete with a crimson sofa and two love seats placed around a stone fireplace. To the far end was a set of glass doors leading to a balcony. I wonder what kind of view I'd see if I stepped out there. On the opposite end was a wall lined with bookshelves that were filled to the brim with an array of books of various sizes. In front was an obsidian office desk with a red leather chair. It looked cold, like it hadn't been used in a long time.

"Antonia." I gasped when I heard the familiar rumble of the shadowy voice that haunted me the night before. The night I felt phantom touches all over my body. Finally catching my attention, I looked up see the massive bed facing me, circular in shape with red velvet sheets. At first, I thought it was empty, but then I squinted, seeing the faint silhouette of something concealed in darkness. My only hint that someone was there was the two faint glowing orbs that I could only assume were eyes. I turned around in hopes of finding Helios and asking if that was his master, but my eyes widened when I saw that the double doors were closed. None of the hellhounds were inside with me. I was in this room alone with the eerie voice that ignited pleasure from my body the last time I heard it.

"Who's there?" I called out, not getting a good look at whoever was on the bed.

"What's wrong, Antonia? You forgot me already?" the voice asked.

I shook my head, but I wasn't sure if he could see me. "You're the voice from my dream. The one with the shadow touches."

"Oh? You mean like this?" At his question, I saw two wisps of caliginous tendrils slithering their way towards me like vipers.

My face paled as I took a step back, debating if I could get the doors open and rush out before they could get to me. The tendrils broke off into sections and reworked themselves until they took on the shape of skeletal hands. I stood perfectly still as they circled around my body from opposite directions before meeting at my face. I shivered when I felt the cold touches of their phantom fingers gently gliding across my cheek. The feel of it reminiscent from when they worked my body into a frenzy in the bathtub.

"Was this the shadow touches you spoke up, little witch?" the deep voice asked.

"Y-Yes," I answered on a shaky breath. "I take it that this means you're Lord Deimos?"

"In the flesh. Happy to finally put a name to the touches?"

I couldn't say that I was happy. More like freaking the hell out. Little by little I was beginning to lose my sense of reality. None of this should've been possible. Hellhounds, devils, shadow touches, none of it. What else could be out there that I thought were nothing but make believe? Were werewolves real too? Vampires? Unicorns? Dragons? The list of possibilities was staggering, and part of me was afraid to find out. Except for the unicorns, I'd always wanted those to be real. If they were, I'd hope to see one someday.

"You visited me in my home," I stated, my voice slightly shaky. "You were in my bathroom. How did you do that?"

It was hard to read Deimos' expression concealed in the darkness. I noticed a slight movement of his head, but nothing else was clear to me. "The same way I'm doing this," he said as his shadowy appendages waved in front of my face like they were trying to get me to notice them. It was hard not to. "For the clearer answer, it's done by magic."

The word magic carried a bell chime in my ear. Magic, the ability people assumed I had since they classified me as a witch. Something that my ancestors were accused of practicing: magic and witchcraft. This wasn't the standard potions, incantations, and CGI lightshow that I was used to describing as magic. The runes I saw on the door was synonymous to what I classified as magic, but the way his shadows moved was unique. It looked nothing more than obsidian smoke and yet I could feel their touch as if they were real hands.

"Amazing," I breathed out.

"I'm glad you think so." Deimos retracted the dark tendrils back to him. "You and I have matters to discuss, Antonia DeLuna."

"We do," I agreed then got right to the point. "Why have you brought me here, Lord Deimos? While I appreciate Abaddon and Apollyon coming to save me from burning alive, I highly doubt you brought me to Hell for shits and giggles."

Deimos chuckled. "You're right, it's not. You're needed here, Ms. DeLuna. You and your magic."

"Hold up," I cut in, holding up a finger to stop him. "That's another thing I don't understand. I don't have magic, and yet everyone including your hellhounds all assume I'm a witch. How is that possible when I can't cast spells?"

Deimos' silence sent a chill running down my spine, fearing that me interrupting him might have pissed him off. Whatever the reason he brought me here, I didn’t think it would be enough to stop him from using his shadows to kill me if I was rude to him. He could also call back his hellhounds. If given the orders, they could devour me in seconds, including Helios.
