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"Xaphan does," I pointed out.

Solara brushed the thought off like it was an annoying insect. "Oh please, Xaphan's just pissed because now you'll be getting a lot of Lord Deimos' attention, which means less time for him to get plowed up the ass."

"I'm sorry, what?" I gaped at her. "Xaphan and Deimos are a thing?"

I didn't see that one coming. Nothing about either man would have me implying that they were hooking up. Was sexuality a thing in Hell? If the religious bigots were anything to go by, every sexuality that wasn't heterosexuality would end up here. Did that mean Xaphan was gay? Was Deimos bi? Pan? What about the others?

"Oh yeah." Solara smirked. "Deimos has been fucking Xaphan on a regular basis, and Xaphan is like a lovesick puppy for our Prince of Wrath."

"Prince of Wrath? You mean like the seven princes of Hell? They're real?"

"They are, and yes, Deimos is one of the seven princes of Hell."

"But I thought Satan was the Prince of Wrath."

"He was, but he passed it to his son about six centuries ago."

"His son?" I exclaimed in surprise. Deimos was the son of Satan? Now I was even more confused about why I never heard of him. I'd heard stories about the demons and princes of Hell, but none of them ever mentioned Deimos before. They certainly never mentioned Satan having a child. A literal spawn of Satan. I knew the stories were often changed depending on who told them, which was why some believed Lucifer and Satan were one and the same, or that Belial was really Satan. Wait, were Lucifer and Belial real too? Lucifer was another prince of Hell, so I had to assume he existed. There was so much that I wanted to know about. Since I was forced to call Hell my home, it made sense to want to learn all I could about it, right? What better way than to get it from the source?

Solara seemed to enjoy my astounded countenance while my brain filled with curiosity dispersed in all directions. "If you want to know more about it, you'll have to ask Lord Deimos himself."

I wanted to ask if she knew anything else about Deimos, like why he brought me here to learn magic, or how he ended up trapped in that cage, but before I had the chance to, there was a knock at the door. A second later it opened and Abaddon's head popped in. "Hello, ladies, having fun gossiping? You're not talking about me, are you?"

Solara rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you wish we were."

"Aww, well that's no fun." Abaddon pouted before adding, "By the way, Solara, you're needed in the sewing room. The seamstress needs Antonia's measurements if she's hoping to have her wardrobe ready by the morning."

"Shit, I must've lost track of time." Solara pushed herself out of my bed and brushed herself off to look more presentable. "I guess I should get going, but Antonia, I hope we'll get the chance to talk again soon."

"I'd like that," I said, hoping that we could make it happen. It was nice to finally have a friend I could talk to. I wasn't expecting Solara to be good company, but I was grateful for it. I got up from the bed as well and walked her to the door.

Solara patted Abaddon on the chest. "You take good care of her, you hear me?"

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Abaddon asked, feigning offense for Solara daring to question him. "The ladies love having me around."

Solara quirked a brow. "Is that what you're telling yourself?"


Solara pointed to Abaddon while she winked at me. "Don't let his suave demeanor fool you. He fancies himself a ladies’ man, but the only attention his dick has been getting is from his own hand.”

Abaddon reeled back with his hand over his heart feigning offense to her jabs, but I could tell the banter was all in good fun. For a moment I forgot that these two were monsters. Abaddon and Solara were behaving like typical humans casually picking on one another. The interaction had me smiling, feeling light for the first time in forever. This couldn't have been what Hell was like, could it? So far it seemed like any other place, minus the monsters, demons, and who knew what else. From how the church liked to talk about it, Hell was meant to be like a fire pit where my soul was supposed to burn for all eternity or for Satan to devour. So far it wasn't like that at all.

Abaddon and I said our goodbyes and watched as Solara walked away, leaving me alone with the overly cocky hellhound.

"She seems nice," I said.

"She is, unless you piss her off. Then she'll show the beast in her and you'll wish you hadn't."

"I get the feeling that applies to all of you."

"Damn right," Abaddon said proudly. "We look out for one another. My brothers, Solara, Lord Deimos, we're a family in all but blood."

"You mean Lord Deimos cares about you guys?" I didn't know why I believed he didn't, but it wasn't something I expected from the Prince of Wrath, or from a spawn of Satan. He didn't seem like the caring type. Maybe it was judgmental of me, but he was a demon after all. Plus, he was forcing me to study magic.

"What do you expect from a prince?" Abaddon asked. "He may be called the Prince of Wrath, but the only time he unleashes said wrath is when his kingdom or his subjects are threatened, or if someone in his court fucked up. Other than that, he's never been the cold, tyrannical ruler type. Especially not towards our legion."

"Legion?" I asked.
