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"Who are you? What's your name?" I asked, but this time, no one answered. When I called for it a second time, I was still greeted with silence. Opening my eyes, I took a moment to adjust to the dim light of my candles, then looked around. Empty. Was it all just a dream? It felt too real for it to be one, but there was nothing around to show evidence that someone was in here with me.

"I'm losing my mind," I muttered. If it was a dream, it was one I didn't want to wake from. Then again, all good dreams must come to an end, right? Why did that disappoint me?

Because I hated my life.

I frowned at the voice inside my heart, wishing it was my dark lover rather than my conscience. I gave myself a quick washing, then got out and emptied the tub. There was no sense dreading over something that wasn't there or cursing how poor my life was. Maybe I was just ungrateful. I had the life of luxury and wealth that people dreamed of having. I was living like a queen without the king's attention. Was that so bad? It wasn't that I didn't love Bal, I did. The problem was that I wasn't sure if he loved me anymore. Did he even love me to begin with? I wanted to believe so, but maybe it was wishful thinking.

Oh well, tomorrow was another day. I dried myself off then stepped out of the bathroom and into the large bedroom. It was the size of a studio with steps leading up to the king-sized bed in the heart. Other than that, the rest of the furniture consisted of a matching dresser, a vanity for my makeup, bedside tables, and a thin silver veil wrapped around the bed. The walk-in closet was big enough to put a sofa inside and still have room left over. I pulled out my champaign colored silk night gown and slipped it on. Once I was dressed and my hair was pulled back, I took care of the puddle in the bathroom so Bal wouldn't be annoyed over the mess. The candles were blown out, and everything was relatively spotless again. Not wanting to let this disappointing night continue, I dragged myself to bed and sank into the violet-colored velvet comforter.

I didn't expect sleep to claim me so easily, but before I knew it, my eyes were slowly drifting shut and my body sank into the bed. The last thing I heard before the darkness claimed me, was that phantom voice from the bathroom whispering, "Sleep well, my little witch. You're going to need it."



At long last, I found her; the descendent of the woman who was stolen from me all those years ago. I never thought the day would come where I'd find the descendant of Marisol, but she came back to Salem. I guess the pull of magic, or her family legacy, was too great for her to ignore. Either way the daughter of the DeLuna family was here, and now I could finally claim what was rightfully mine.

The girl, Antonia.

She looked so much like Marisol; it was as if the ghost of my beloved had returned from the depths of the infernal pit to taunt me. To remind me of what I let slip between my fingers. The magic inside Antonia was weak but it was there. She would simply require training to bring it to its full potential. I could steal her away now, bring her down to the pits of hell and give her everything she needs. Both in magic, and in pleasure. It would've been easy to draw her into my shadows and drag her down with me. Now that she had a taste of what I could do to her, I could give her the main course and have her underneath me with my cock buried deep within her.

But I didn't.

Despite being the prince of Wrath, I still had rules to follow. To bring a mortal into the realm of Hell still alive could result in my demise at the hands of my father. A part of me believed it would be a risk worth taking just to have her in my grasp. That foolish man she slaved over didn't deserve her. He was nothing but a God-fearing simpleton who wouldn't know how to please a woman if his ticket to Heaven depended on it. I could do things for Antonia that he only dreamed of doing to a woman. I wanted to rip the soul out of his body for daring to believe that Antonia needed him.


She didn't need him, she had me.

She just doesn't know it yet.

It took every bit of strength not to bring her here now, right when she was saturated with the pleasure I gave her, begging for me to do more to her. As I lay in my large bed, naked and still rock hard from my little magic trick with her, I imagined doing so much more. All the things I craved doing. Waiting until she passes was not possible, not when it means she wouldn't be the same as she was now. I needed her as she was now, but could I do it without alerting my father?

Or my brother, for that matter.

The loud creek of my double doors swinging open sitting up on my bed. Very few had access to enter my bedroom. I looked up and saw my most loyal hellhound entering. The fact that I was naked and not covered up had Xaphan staggering slightly, but he managed to keep his composure. He dropped to one knee and bowed his blonde head before addressing me.

"Lord Deimos, I've received news from Abaddon and Apollyon back on Earth. They said the H.I.M. have made their decision and plan to strike tomorrow evening," Xaphan announced.

I hummed with curiosity. They made no moves for five years, and now suddenly they were planning to take action? They must've uncovered something. I pondered over what my next move would be. If the H.I.M. had it their way, Antonia would die, and I'd lose her for eternity. The same way I lost Marisol. I should've known a decision would've needed to have been made sooner rather than later. If they were finally going through with killing her, then there had to have been a reason for it. My choice was made clear. It would be a risk, a dangerous one, but if Heaven decreed that Antonia had to die for a specific purpose, then it could be one that would benefit Hell in the long run. I would just need to keep her existence hidden from my father long enough to uncover the truth.

"Have Abaddon and Apollyon stake the witch's home and follow her wherever she goes. When the time comes, have them wait for my signal and then we'll bring her down here."

"Yes, my lord," Xaphan said, but instead of rising to his feet and walking away, he remained where he knelt. His head lifted, eyeing my still hard cock. Despite being concealed in shadows, Xaphan's inhuman sharp vision picked up on it, his tongue sticking out and licking his lips as if he could already taste my length.

I grinned wickedly. "See something you want, my pet?"

Xaphan's dark irises ignited into crimson flames. "You know I do, master."

I purred with delight, coaxing him with my finger to come to me. "Strip, then come to me on all fours."

Xaphan let out a hungry growl before standing back up. Slowly--because he knew I liked it that way--he began removing his clothing. Starting with the skin-tight shirt he wore, revealing his bare chest and arms that were heavily decorated with tattoos. He then undid the button and zipper of his pants, his cock rock hard and sticking out before he even pulled them down to his feet. Once he freed himself of his pants, he kicked them to the side, standing there for a few moments to let me drink him in all his nakedness.

My dick was already hard from Antonia, and now it was itching to take everything my loyal pup wanted to do with it. Of all the creatures under my command, Xaphan was the only one I did this with. I didn't make a habit of bedding my subordinates, but Xaphan came to me, lonely and in need of pleasure. The same as I was after Marisol. We found relief and pleasure in each other, and in exchange, Xaphan was under my protection and at my beck and call.

I let my eyes trail up and down his lean body, the ink that covered every inch of his body making him my personal mural. His cock sticking up and leaking at the tip, begging for me to take it into my hand. Into my mouth. To drink his very essence as if I were sucking the soul out of his body.

"Come," I commanded.
