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"Of course, Lord Deimos, but it may not be as long as you believe it to be."

"Oh?" My head tilted to the side inquisitively. "Do tell, Helios."

"It's the spellbook. I believe it has chosen its new vessel to bind itself to. It's already shown Antonia visions of the past during her ancestor's time."

Well, I'll be. That would explain why Antonia was able to breeze through the basics without having practiced magic her entire life. I should've realized that the book may have chosen to bind itself to her since it did the same to her ancestor. It meant Antonia could be the first witch in four-hundred years to learn the most powerful spells hidden deep within the book's context. Spells that could bring about Armageddon.

Did the Hands of the Messiah know about this?

Was that why they targeted Antonia in the first place?

Did Heaven's seers foresee something in her future?

"Well, this is quite the revelation," I said as a multitude of prospects began swirling around in my head. "For now, this stays between us. You will keep the course of her training for the time being. But now it's more imperative that we keep Orpheus away from Antonia, and we kill anybody in our court that's conversing with him. I do not want this knowledge slipping, Helios, or it'll be your head that I cut off and mount on my wall."

"Yes, my lord. Understood," he retorted with no fear for his life. I suspect that he would present me with his head himself if he ever believed he did something that would put Antonia's life in jeopardy.

That made two of us.

"Good. Now return to your duties, but have Antonia brought to my chambers in one hour along with food and wine. She and I have a few things we need to discuss."

"Yes, my lord." With that, Helios rose to his feet and exited the throne room. Using my powers over the shadows, I sank into the dark abyss, traveling through the corridor walls until I swerved to the floor and slithered through the gap beneath the door to my chambers. Once I was safely inside, I rose from the shadows and rematerialized.

I spent the next hour showering and getting ready for her arrival. I sat at my desk, using my magic to form a ring of flames where the center rippled and showed me an image of Marisol exactly how I remembered her. Her raven hair thick and curled. Her coppery skin that glowed in the sunlight. Those dark eyes full of wonderment and a thrill for knowledge. Antonia resembled so much of her, they could pass for twins.

I willed the image to change, showing me the right of her tombstone that marked her grave. It'd been about fifty years since I last visited her. Perhaps I should schedule a time to do so. Marisol DeLuna had the makings to become a fine witch of her years. She would've been my princess. But those bastard Hands of the Messiah ruined everything. The least I could do was assure her escape, even though it meant our time together would end. In the end she did, and her legacy continued to live on in Antonia.

Now she was here.

I was so distracted that I startled at the sound of knocking on my door. I diminished the spell and flicked my wrist, willing the doors to open on their own. Antonia stepped inside, looking stunning as usual in a black, two-piece dress that left her stomach exposed, and a netted harness that went up to her neck. The lower half of the dress had slits cut on both sides leaving her thighs exposed as she walked into my chambers.

My hands gripped the edge of my desk, resisting the temptation to skip the discussion and drag her to my bed where I'd fuck her so hard that she'd feel me for days. My stiffening cock seemed to enjoy that plan.

"You wanted to see me?" Antonia asked, oblivious to what I was thinking of doing to her.

"Yes, come in. Have a seat." I stood and motioned to one of the chairs on the other side of my desk.

Antonia reluctantly moved closer, pulling one of the chairs back and taking a seat in front of me. The food came moments later, and using my shadows, I dragged the moving cart over to where we were and set it beside us. I filled the two flute glasses with wine and handed one to Antonia.

"For you," I said, and she took the glass from me, her fingers lightly grazing mine.

"Wine? Are you planning on getting me tipsy so you can take advantage of me, Deimos?" She asked in a joking matter, but if only she knew where my mind was at when she first walked in.

I chuckled. "Trust me, if I wanted to take advantage of you, I wouldn't need wine to do it."

The glass froze before it reached her lips and her eyes widened at my brazen statement. "Right, because that's not creepy at all."

"I'm a demon lord. Were you expecting more from me?"

"Fair enough." She finally took a sip of her wine, then set the glass down in front of her. Leaning back in her seat, she draped one leg over the other and crossed her arms in front of her. "So, Helios said you wanted to talk to me?"

"I did. After all, it's been about two weeks since we last had a chat. I hear you've been excelling in your magic training. Care for a demonstration?"

Antonia seemed skeptical by the request but shrugged her shoulders and decided to go along with it. Quickly scanning the room, she took note of all the lit torches mounted on the walls. With a quick swipe of her hand, all the flames died down leaving the room in complete darkness. That only lasted for five seconds before all the torches were lit once again with another wave of her hand. Her eyes then fell to the bottle of wine set on the cart. Her wrist turned clockwise as her fingers slowly curled as red vapors wisped around her hand. The bottle glowed with a thin veil of red energy before floating in midair.

Antonia motioned for the bottle to move closer to her before tipping forward and pouring more wine into her glass. Steadily, she commanded the bottle to retreat and set it back on the counter. For her final demonstration, she snapped her fingers teleporting the tray of meats, bread and cheese from the cart to sit on the desk in front of her.

"Ta-da!" she exclaimed, doing a set of jazz hands for emphasis before piling a piece of bread with meat and cheese and taking a bite.
