Page 23 of A Wild Heart

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“That’s right. Milk my cock like a good girl. You feel so fucking good.” He crooned into the back of my neck. “God, that’s right. I’m coming,” he groaned as I felt him swell and jerk inside of me and orgasm on a string of curses that made my core contract around him.

I hung there limply in his arms as he moved softly inside of me before slowly settling us to the floor, me in his lap.

We stayed there for God knew how long, trying to catch our breaths and gain our mobility. We were no spring chickens after all, but clearly that didn’t stop us from fucking like bunnies.

He rubbed my arms and held me close, but I hardly noticed at all. I was still in some kind of lust-filled daze.

Leaning into him, I let my head rest against his chest for just a moment and then I’d leave. I just needed a few more seconds of this. A few more moments of him.

Only I felt something hard against my ear. A necklace of some kind that he was wearing and I pulled back, using my fingers to trace it under his shirt.

I immediately felt sick at the feel of it. No, it couldn’t be. This was like some kind of sick joke God had to have been playing on me.

I jerked up off of him like he was on fire and perhaps that was the truth of it because it burned. This feeling. Those things around his neck felt like they were sitting around my own, strangling me, suffocating me.

I righted my clothes as best as I could. Which was no easy feat in the dark. When I finally straightened myself, I couldn’t tell what was up from down as it was dark in the windowless garage as I looked around.

“It’s to the right,” he said from below me, and for some reason, I felt my hackles go up at the thought that he could see me and I couldn’t see him.

Only I did see him now, at least some of him. And what I saw terrified the hell out of me.

Leaning over to the right, I found the garage opener, after running my hand along the wall for a few seconds. I pushed the button and squinted against the light that was quickly filling up the space.

And now we were at the awkward part. So I turned quickly, my stomach still queasy from my discovery. My clothes wrinkled, my heart in my stomach. There he was when I turned, towering over me. Jesus, he was big. Every time I looked at him it seemed to be a shock.

Even after having him hold me up for sexy time, I still couldn’t believe it.

I cleared my throat and rocked back on my heels nervously and looked up at him. “Well, thank you. Goodbye,” I said, dashing out of the garage, pulling my keys from the zipped pocket on my leggings as fast as possible.

Fuck me, but I needed to get out of here and fast.

My hands shook around the keys as I unlocked the truck and climbed inside at lightning speed. I cranked her up and took a deep breath, feeling eternally grateful that I’d somehow managed to escape when I heard a knock on my window.

Well, shit.

There he was, right outside my truck window, peering in with those dark eyes, his eyebrows raised in question like I was supposed to roll the window down and talk to him or something

“Damn,” I breathed, pushing the button to roll down the window. “Yes?” I asked like he’d just happened to be walking his dog by my truck and he hadn’t been just dirty fucking me in his garage.

He shook his head with a half grin like he maybe thought I was insane or cute. And I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he was.

This hurt like a motherfucker.

I looked at the outline of the chain hanging from his neck beneath his shirt and swallowed hard.

“You forgot your hat, Slugger,” he said low, leaning into the truck and placing my husband’s baseball cap on my head.

My heart stopped. I’d left my hat there. In that garage that I’d never planned to return to ever again. Not in a million years.

What if I never saw it again? What if I’d left it there and he hadn’t stopped me to bring it back? I could have cried but instead, I did what I always did and smiled. “Thanks,” I chirped like this wasn’t a big deal. Like this stupid hat didn’t mean everything to me.

He gave me the customary hot boy man nod and tapped the top of my truck twice before I rolled up the window and pulled onto the road.

I got two blocks from his home and pulled over because I needed a breather.

“Holy shit,” I whispered to myself. I couldn’t believe that I had just done that. I’d shown up at a man’s house and had sex with him.

I’d willingly sought out sex and it had happened.
