Page 109 of Good Girl Fail

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“How about we start with everywhere?” Len said.

Then the mattress was dipping with their weight as they climbed into bed with her, blanketing her with their mouths and tongues and hands, their cocks rubbing against her and making sensual promises she knew they’d fulfill.

She couldn’t keep her eyes open. The onslaught of sensation short-circuited her brain. There was so much maleness and touching and sensation that her skin felt like it was literally buzzing. And when one of them found her clit, rubbing it with lubricated fingers, and the other sucked her nipple between his teeth, O’Neal exploded with an orgasm, the headboard banging the wall with the force of it. She thought she’d get a reprieve after that first one, but they had no interest in letting her rest.

Almost immediately they started ramping her up again, but now, there was no relief in sight. They’d bring her to the edge and not let her go over. So close and then no. Right there and then no. At one point, they were both going down on her at the same time, and she thought she was going to shatter, but then as soon as she arched her hips to get them to just the right spot, they backed off, leaving her to moan in desperation.

Auden’s teeth tugged at her earlobe. “Not yet, freshman. We’re going to make you so desperate for it that you’ll let us doanythingto give you some relief.”

“Please,” O’Neal pleaded. “I’m ready. Anything. Please.”

“She’s so pretty when she begs,” Lennox mused. “Let’s make her do that some more.”

“Traitor,” she muttered.

Len laughed and then he slid a vibrator inside her just long enough to make her hips lift off the bed again before removing it.

O’Neal lost track of time after that, their touch delicious torment. Finally, she stopped begging and was left to simply panting. But when she felt the handcuffs unlock, she finally forced her eyes open, too curious not to look.

Auden was above her. He pushed her sweaty hair off her face. “I love you.”

She was trembling with need. “I love you too.”

“Trust us to take care of you, okay?” he said softly, brushing his lips over hers.


He lay on his back next to her and then rolled her on top of him. Her body was somehow both sapped and tense at the same time. The need to come pulsed between her legs like a beacon. Auden gripped her hips, easing her upward to straddle him, his condom-sheathed cock drawing her full attention, and then he slid slow and deep inside her. The relief of being filled by him made tears jump to her eyes. He smiled up at her, his face damp with perspiration.

“Relax for us, Shaq. Let Len be with us too.”

She nodded, lowering to her forearms above him and kissing him. When warm slick fingers pressed against her back opening, she only tensed for a moment before the toe-curling sensation traveled up her spine. Oh.Wow.She sighed into Auden’s mouth.

“That’s it,” Len said, voice quiet. “You two look so perfect right now.” A finger ever so slowly eased inside her, going to a place where no one had ever touched her. “You’re doing so good. I could come just seeing you take us like this.”

O’Neal broke the kiss with Auden because she could barely catch her breath. Lennox added another finger, gently stretching her and stroking her, and Auden tucked a hand between them, finding her clit and rubbing as he gently fucked her. She could feeleverything.Her body had become a circuit board fully lit up—signals coming from every direction.

“There you go,” Len said, his voice like a lullaby. “Push out when I push in. We’re going to make you feel so good, Sweets.”

O’Neal swallowed, her body revving again, desperate, on the edge. The head of Len’s cock pressed against her opening, and for one panicked moment, she thought there was no way it was physically possible for this to happen. They were both too much, too big. She was definitely going to break. But then she did what he told her, and the thick, full feeling of Len burying inside her made her moan.


“That’s it.” Auden’s focus was fixed on her, and his fingers were stroking her with expert precision, sending her nerve endings into a frenzy. She breathed, tried to find calmness, patience so she wouldn’t detonate immediately. But then they both began to move, a coordinated rhythm that dragged them against each other inside her and filled her up in a way she could’ve never imagined possible.

“You okay, Shaq?” Auden asked, strain showing on his face as he clearly tried to stave off his own orgasm.

She tried to hold on to her thoughts. She felt drugged, drunk, drowned in sensation. But she managed to nod quickly.I’m okay. Possibly disintegrating into atoms but okay.

He gave her a loving look and started moving quicker. Len groaned behind her, his own thrusts picking up speed.

“Ready?” Auden asked.

She nodded again.Yes. Yes. Yes.

“You can let go now,” Len said, his voice full of jagged rocks. “We’ve got you. We’ve always got you. Come for us, beautiful.”

We’ve always got you.She closed her eyes and let herself fall into it, to really feel every bit of them, being between these two men, her body filled with them, and her heart overflowing. She didn’t know how her life had led her here, but maybe there was someone up there looking out for her after all. Because from the outside, this might look salacious, but in her heart, she knew exactly what it was.

It was love.

Tears streaked down her face, and every inch of her body exploded with pleasure as she took what these two men were offering her. Their trust. Their hearts. Their everything.

She wasn’t alone in the world anymore.

She’d found her way home.

