Page 96 of Good Girl Fail

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O’Neal Lory, the girl who’d stolen her first kiss from him in his parents’ kitchen, the girl he’d always seen as off-limits, was riding him, touching herself, showing her most private side to him in a way she’d done with no one else. Trusting him. Loving him. The sight was so intimate and erotic, he could barely believe he’d landed here. How had he gotten so damn lucky?

He settled back against the arm of the couch and watched the roll of her hips as she rode him, the dance of her fingers. Her eyes were closed, and her hair cascaded down, teasing the tips of her breasts as she panted softly, lost to the sensations. He prided himself on his staying power, but she already had him fighting off orgasm.

“You ever touch yourself like that thinking of me?” he asked gruffly.

She didn’t open her eyes but she nodded.

“Tell me about it,” he whispered, reaching out to caress her inner thigh.



“Too many times. To count,” she said between breaths.

The answer pleased him immensely. He slid his hand higher and rubbed his thumb along the place where they were joined. “Is that right?”

She let out a little gasp and then she finally opened her eyes and looked down at him. She smirked, some of the snarky girl he knew sneaking into her expression, even though she was clearly on the edge of coming. “Not that your ego…needs to know this…” Her hips continued to pump, driving him mad. “But you were always…my favorite fantasy, Aud. From the very first time I thought a dirty thought. ”

The words wound through him like a song he’d never tire of hearing. “I’ll try to live up to the hype.”

She laughed but the sound cut off as soon as he moved her hand away from herself and took over, lifting his hips and angling inside her to hit just the right place. She moaned and tilted her head back.

God, she was beautiful. “Come for me, freshman.”

As if all she needed was to hear his permission, she broke apart above him, crying out and her inner muscles spasming around his cock so intensely that he couldn’t hold back any longer. He called her name, the sound rumbling from deep in his chest, and he spilled into the condom as he lost himself in the pleasure of her body, her sounds, her words.

When both of them had coasted down from their highs and were quietly catching their breath, Auden lifted her hips, removed and tossed the condom, and then guided her back to lay against him. She melted against his chest, tucking her face against his neck.

He stroked her hair as he listened to her heart beating against him.

“You definitely live up to the hype,” she murmured.

He smiled. He didn’t have a praise kink but he certainly loved hearing O’Neal tell him that he’d taken good care of her. “I wish I could get into your head and see what you imagined back then.”

“Not this,” she said, humor in her voice. “I didn’t have the reference points for any of this.”

He combed his fingers through her hair, staring at the ceiling. “Why was I the lucky one to get the starring role? I was always giving you a hard time when we were kids.”

“That’s just it,” she said, lifting her head and propping it up on her fist so she could look at him. “You were the only one who didn’t treat me like I was made of glass. You saw me, not the girl with the murdered mom, not the girl with the strict grandparents. Just me. It made me want to show you…everything. Still does.”

Her words wound around him and made his chest squeeze tight.Mine.He kissed her softly. “I love seeing your everything.”

She let her hand trail down his stomach. “Your everything’s not so bad to look at either.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I just love you.”

“Same.” She was quiet for a few minutes, and he thought she had fallen asleep against him, but then her voice cut through the silence. “So, you and Len, huh?”

He kept his eyes closed, his fingers trailing down her arm, and a blanket of contentment fell over him at the mention of Len. “Yeah. That’s a recent development.”

She murmured an acknowledgment against his chest.

“Are you comfortable with that?” he asked, tone careful. This was probably something they should’ve discussed last night before falling into bed. “I know we were taught—”

“If I believed everything we were taught, I wouldn’t be here in the first place.” She snuggled deeper into his hold. “I love that you two are together in all ways now. That feels right. I want us to be free to be with each other in all those different permutations. No jealousy stuff.”

“Agreed,” he said, relieved that she felt the same way he and Len did. “I want you to be able to have that kind of one-on-one relationship with Len as well.”
