Page 99 of Good Girl Fail

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She shivered, the sound of her real name on his lips doing something to her. This wasn’t playful Len anymore. He was focused on her with palpable intensity.

He traced his fingertip down the center of her folds, spreading her curls and brushing over that sensitive little bundle of nerves just enough to make her gasp. He circled there, barely grazing her clit each time, teasing her as he painted her with her own slickness.

Her neck arched. “Please. More. I need…”

His gaze lifted to hers, a flicker of something wicked in his eyes. “I have an idea. Something that will make this feel even better for you.”

She looked down at him, nervous anticipation filling her. “Yeah? What?”

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

She licked her lips. “Yes.”

“Excellent.” He smiled and rose to his feet. He wrapped her legs around him and lifted her. “I have a different counter in mind.”

A few minutes later, she was sitting naked atop a towel on their bathroom counter. The water was running warm in the sink next to her, and her heart was hammering as she tried to piece together clues to figure out his plan.

“What are we doing?”

Lennox ran a hand along her thigh and kissed the spot behind her ear. “You know how good it feels when we put our tongues on you? How sensitive everything gets?”

Her nerve endings prickled at the memory. “Yes.”

“Imagine if there were no barrier at all, if every inch of skin was so sensitive”—he scraped a blunt nail along her labia—“that even a warm breath could feel like a touch?”

She swallowed hard, sensation shooting through her.

His breath tickled her ear. “I want to shave you, Sweets.”

The words shocked her. She’d had no idea what his idea for the bathroom was. She’d thought maybe a shower, but this hadn’t crossed her mind.


Lennox straightened so that he could face her. He brushed her hair away from her eyes, and she could only imagine what her expression must be saying. He gave her a gentle smile. “You’re perfect just as you are if you don’t want to, but I can tell you from personal experience that everything gets more sensitive that way. And Auden’s got the good stuff to do it because he has to shave everything for swimming.”

“I b-believe you,” she said, her pulse racing, “about the sensitivity. But I mean, I can take care of it. I didn’t know I was supposed to—”

She’d always taken care of her bikini line, but was this another thing she’d been left out of the loop on?

He shushed her with a kiss. “You’re notsupposedto do anything. Some girls do, some don’t. Some guys do, some don’t.” His hand massaged her thigh. “I’m not offering as a favor, Sweets. I’m offering because I’m hard as a rock thinking about being the one to make you bare. To be the first one to taste you that way.”

Her inner muscles clenched and her clit ached. This sounded insane, but suddenly she wanted nothing more than to experience what Len was promising. Flesh against flesh. Heat against heat. She tried to wet her lips but her mouth had gone dry.


“Good girl,” he whispered and kissed her again.

The words were the perfect balm, relaxing her muscles and evening out her breathing.

Len stepped away for a moment to grab a few things from the cabinet, then he wet a hand towel under the stream of warm water. When he pressed it between her legs, she leaned back against the mirror and closed her eyes. Len didn’t say a word as he got down on his knees and spread her wide, but he kept a grounding hand on her at all times, soothing her nerves.

He kissed her inner thigh and then his fingers were on her, smoothing the shaving cream over her and touching her in the most intimate places.

“Stay very still for me, Sweets,” he said, voice husky, and then the cool press of the razor scraped slowly across her skin.

It should’ve been terrifying—man with a sharp blade on her vulnerable flesh—but Len’s movements were so tender, so precise, an artist’s hands, that a moan escaped her throat. He completed another slow swipe, and another, and the cool air that chased over the newly bared skin sent a wash of arousal through her.

She opened her eyes to peek at him. His blond head was bowed in concentration, his full attention on what he was doing to her, but there was a flush in his cheeks and his pulse was visibly beating at his neck. This was turning him on as much as it was her.
