Page 45 of The Gauntlet Trials

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“Just stop!” she screamed.

“Then cut me!” he yelled at her. “Nine cuts or eighteen, Beth. Don’t think, justdoit!”


When she reached the location where her brain said Spook was, she stopped. “Spook!” she hissed.

He let out a whistle and she looked up. “Found me,” he said, dropping to the ground before her.

She lunged on him, kissing him. “What kind of game is this?”

“We can talk about it back at the shack while you fulfill your directive.”

“Flogging you? For fourminutes?”

He hooked his arm in hers and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes.”

She walked back with him trying to wrap her head around the meaning of the training. “I don’t get it, Spook,” she finally said, giving up. “What does this training mean? What’s the point?”

“Trust,” he said simply.

“Who am I trusting?”

“Who do you think?”


“Iamyour leader,” he hinted. “Youaremy right hand.”

She walked in silence for a full minute. “And…what does me flogging you do?”

“Hurts me.”

“How does that helpme?” she wondered, totally stumped on the illogic of it.

“I guess we’ll find out?”

“You don’t know?” she asked, more perturbed.

“I do but I can’t tell you. You have to learn it or win that knowledge fair and square.”

She huffed shaking her head. “And…what’s…floggingexactly?”

“It’s a painful discipline that’s conducted with a flogger. Has a handle with a bunch of leather strands.”

“For what?”

“Flogging,” he laughed.


“My back.”

She walked in confused silence again, her anger growing as she went because no matter how she turned it over in her head, the logic of it escaped her. “What did you do wrong to need discipline?”


“Thenwhyare you getting disciplined?” she cried, exasperated. “I thought this was a real test, this isn’t even making sense!”
