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“Man, I love that guy.”

“What movie is it?” Cooper tries to grab the case from me.

“Oh no, just wait. You’re in for a great treat.” I pop the movie in and push play. Elvis’ beautiful voice begins singing ‘Blue Hawaii’.

“Criminy Elvis,” Coop complains. “We’re watching an Elvis movie?”

“Be nice, Elvis is my favorite.” I throw a couple of kernels of popcorn at him.

“Does Coulter know this?”

“Yes, he loves that quirk about me. In fact, Elvis married us.”

Coop’s eyes bug and he laughs out loud.

“Boy oh boy, you’ve got that man whipped. I love you more and more.”

“How could you not?” I tease. Cooper just shakes his head.

Cole gets home towards the end of the movie. He settles down next to me. “Sorry, I’ve missed most of the movie.” He whispers, kissing me.

“That’s okay. You made it just in time for the best part.” We watch as Elvis sings ‘The Hawaiian Wedding Song’ and the couple gets married.

“Was it that bad?” I ask Cooper when the movie’s over.

“It was tolerable. I could probably tolerate another Elvis movie.”

The next morning, Cole and Cooper both have meetings, but Alan has signed all the papers he needs to.

“Hope it’s okay that you’re stuck with the old geezer today.”

“It’s true you may be old, but I like you, you’re like a fungus I never want to get rid of. What are we going to do?”

“I brought a chess set. Do you play?”

“No, but I’m a fast learner.”

“Excellent, I won’t beat you too bad. Just eviscerate you a few times.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from a Prescott.” After our third game, which has only taken us an hour to get through because Alan has no mercy, there seems to be some kind of problem. Keaton, one of the main security guys, shows up at the villa.

“Mrs. Holt, there seems to be a situation in the lobby. Luke has been detained, but he says it’s okay for you to go down and figure the problem out.”

“Do you know what it’s about?”

“Something about an unexpected guest?”

“Will you come with me, Alan?”

“Of course.”

So Alan, Keaton, and I take the elevator down to the lobby. The elevator now requires a security code to go up or down. When the elevator doors open to the lobby, six pairs of eyes stare at me. My mother, my Grandma, my sister, my aunt, my cousin Jill and Laura, and they all start talking at once.
