Page 50 of Fireball

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The doctor worries too. I try to slip away, but Titan won’t release me. Stupid, stubborn man.

Dr. Crawford sighs and climbs in with us. Another perk of being rich I guess is the huge open shower. Surprisingly, we all fit.

Titan sets his weapon on the half wall and drops back to the seat. I rinse his head one more time and then hand the physician the last of the dry towels. While he works, I lean back to shut off the faucet. I hate wasting water.

Titan growls, and I don’t think it’s from the needle piercing his ravaged skin. I scootch closer, trying not to interfere with the procedure, but also to keep Titan from raging. Big baby.

Shivers engulf me as the heat dissipates. I know Titan suffers much worse from his face contorted from the sting. No one says a word.

Finally, the process is complete, and the doctor stands upright, massaging his lower back from stooping over for so long.

“Get some rest. I’ll check on you after I see how Baxter is.”

“Thanks Doc.”

The man glances to me with a soft smile and winks. Maybe he’s used to Titan being more amenable while under the influence, but I’m still shocked. Without another word, he departs, shutting the bedroom door behind him.

“I’ve got to lay down for a second.”

Way more than a second is necessary, but I don’t argue with him. Neither of us is used to him being weak. “Let’s dry off first.”

Stripping off his sopping clothes is like dancing with a bear. He attempts to help but his movements are clumsy in the heavy jacket and thick shirt. We wrestle them clear of his limbs, and then I kneel to slip off his shoes and socks.

Slick fingers tuck under my chin, and he lifts up my face to his. “I love you little Fireball.”

The words catch me off guard. A lump forms in my throat.

I expected him to say something dirty with me on my knees in front of him. Instead, his sweet demeanor warms me despite the chill. “Okay, pants next. Can you stand?”

His palm flattens on the tile, and he hoists himself up. I hurry to draw down his boxer briefs and slacks. His dick is half hard and bounces in front of me, fighting the medication attempting to minimize sensations.

“It can’t resist you either.”

His gruff chuckle elicits a grin from me too. “Tell it to go to sleep too.”

“Get naked angel.”

I tell myself that’s the last thing I want to do.

I also tell myself I’m lying.

I have no choice but to strip down. I can’t take care of him like this. Mrs. Z already has enough to deal with besides our wet, bloody mess.

Shyness overtakes me, and I twist away, hastily shedding my outfit and grabbing a towel to dry and cover myself simultaneously. The efforts are fruitless when Titan wraps his hands around my waist and hauls me back to him. His now fully hard dick nestles between my ass cheeks with me smashed against his hard chest.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful.”

He spreads his legs wider, which parts my thighs along with them, baring my pussy to him. With a featherlight touch he drags his fingertips down my lips and back up again to slowly circle my clit. My body reacts to him, like the maestro he is, with my hips jutting forward craving more.

“You think I don’t know how incredible you are?”

His free hand moves to my breast, teasing the hard nipple before moving to the other side.

“You think I don’t know how good you are for me?”

The admission seduces me as much as his touch. When he slowly works to open me to him, I gasp from the pleasure. Why does he always make me feel so good?

My walls flutter around him, and he easily slips in a second finger with me responding to his strokes.
