Page 62 of Fireball

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Brave and honest, she finally looks directly at me. “Yes. You know, like if I forgive you, I’m being a fool.”

‘I’ve never forgiven anyone before. I guess I have the same expectation, so I just eliminate the possibility of being screwed over.”

The laughter pealing from her pink lips makes me chuckle too. Candor is funny to her. At least she’s not troubled any longer.

“Well that’s one way of making sure you don’t get hurt.”

“Keeps me alive.”

The truth sobers her a bit and her grin fades. “And Chelsea.”

I nod. “Can’t take any risks with her or with you.”

She blows out a deep breath. “You taking care of me is hard for me to accept. I’ve always been alone. I’ve never really had any friends. I’ve never had a boyfriend or even been on a date. So to have all this…” She waves her free hand across the table. “…fancy, expensive stuff seems unreal and can’t last.”

“It will last. Til my last breath angel it will last.”

“That seems impossible. You know, we were so poor. Kids made fun of me because my clothes came from thrift stores and were out of style.”

That explains why she was so impressed with what I gave her.

“We moved around a lot because my mom always got us kicked out. Places we lived were usually pretty nasty and sometimes we didn’t have electricity or water because she didn’t pay the bill. I always felt dirty.”

And why she’s so obsessed with showering.

“I’m used to it being just me and Pete, trying to figure out how to keep a roof over our heads and from going hungry. Now I have Chelsea and maybe you and I—”

“Stop.” Panic swells in her tone as she confesses all of her fears. I can’t take it anymore and cup her face, forcing her to stop looking at her placemat and at me. “Notmaybe. You have me. All of that is behind you now. I swear to God that life’s going to be good for you and Pete from here on out.”

“Please don’t let me down. It won’t hurt just me. Chelsea and Pete will be destroyed too. You’ll devastate all of us if this isn’t what you really want.”

Fuck that.

I grasp her torso and haul her onto my lap. Locking her down so she can know how fucking serious I am. “You are what I really want. Bonus for Chels and Pete which is great. But you are mine, and I’m not letting you go.”

Her breathing ticks up and her pupils dilate. Good.

“If you run, I will chase you. If you hide, I will find you. You’re not getting away from me.”

“That’s really psychotic you know.”

My cock was already twitching with her ass on my legs. Now with her whisper, I’m hard, straining against my zipper. “Maybe so. But I don’t care and I’m not changing.”

“I shouldn’t be dating a crime lord.”

The description amuses me. I breech the slit in her dress and slide my hand up her smooth thigh. When my fingertips brush her panties, she shudders. “Yeah, Fireball. Iamyour lord…”

I lift the satin edge and slip underneath the thin fabric. I use my middle finger to strum her clit. “…and savior…”

When her hand fists my jacket, I delve inside her wet pussy. “…and your god.”

Her muscles contract around the digit so I slide in another and work to reach the spot that makes her combust. “But I’m going to worship you, angel, like you’re mine.”


Admonishment be damned, I’m not stopping.

I glide in and out, cupping her mound so my palm strokes her pulsing little nub. Her hips jerk forward riding my hand. When her head falls back, I lean in and suck on her delicate throat, leaving a mark I’ll enjoy seeing for a few days.
