Page 70 of Fireball

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My slight insult makes her giggle. “Then come on, let’s get going. Our tutor is coming in an hour.”

She swirls around, and Pete wiggles out from under Titan’s hand stroking his head, following her to the kitchen. Best buddies.


I laugh from his confusion. “We’re learning British.”

His eyes close as he shakes his head. “Fucking crazy.”

“I know.”

I kiss him and gingerly climb off his lap. My body feels the effects of nonstop sex for the past eighteen hours. He grabs my wrist.

“You okay?”

“A little sore but okay.”

Eyeing me closer, he frowns. “You sure?”

My heart whirls from his concern. “Yes, I swear. I’m fine.”

A drone of disbelief hums in his mouth while he studies me and tucks his cock back in his pants. I won’t argue with him worrying over me.

He rises and draws me close. We walk in comfortable silence to my bedroom, where he glides a finger under my chin and lifts my face to meet his gaze.

“Get your shower and then we’ll move your stuff to our room.”

I get a gentle kiss before he strides off. I guess we’re back to him doling out orders and expecting me to follow them. I roll my eyes at his back and head to my bathroom for the very last time.


Inever should’ve told him I was sore. The admission earned me almost a week without sex. Titan’s mood reflects his displeasure with the situation too. Each day that passes with him only cuddling me despite his rock-hard dick rammed into my back, makes him grouchy to everyone except Pete and me.

Now Maxim will be here in an hour, and Chelsea’s screeching and fluttering are driving him to threats against her and him.

I bring him the Tylenol instead of Mrs. Zirkelbach. Five men, only one of whom I recognize, stand in his office. Calm yet direct, he expresses his expectations for them, closing with the warning reminder of death if they fail. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to how casually people die in this world.

Titan catches sight of me in the doorway and his eyes darken as he contemplates me like he wants to devour me. He jerks his chin toward the team and then to the hallway. “Out.”

The guys all answer withyes, sirand hustle past me without delay. I don’t blame them. I’d want to escape his wrath too.

I hand him the bottle. “I hope this helps.”

“The only thing that would help is bending you over my desk and fucking that succulent, pink cunt of yours.”

Welp, all righty then.

At least he’s honest.

And somehow enticing.

My pussy aches from his admission, and I heat all over. “Okay.”

The sinister smirk that makes me weak twists his lips. All man, his thick legs spread apart, and he beckons to me with his big hand. Incapable of resisting, I glide to him as if attached to a string he yanks. Once I’m close enough to grab, he grasps my waist and positions me with my butt on the edge of his desk.

“She saysokay.”

He slowly caresses up my arms, leaving goosebumps in his wake, and encircles my neck with his thumb rubbing across my lips. Unable to stop myself, I part my mouth and brush my tongue over his skin. Groaning in approval, he squeezes my throat. My body responds, arching up, seeking more.
