Page 36 of Finding Reese

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I cringe away as he blows by me and storms out the door, not even bothering to close it as he takes long strides out of my life.

The moment I close the door, I break down.

He’s not the one for me. It’s as simple as that.

I’ve seen what being involved with the wrong man can do to a woman, but I never understood why they couldn’t just give them up.

I always figured I’d be able to take the pain and come out on top. But this, letting Reese walk out of my life, hurts worse than anything I’ve ever felt before.



The next day, I’m still fuming over my argument with Haven. It pisses me off because I told her I’d be honest with her, and the guy she seems to think I am, isn’t me. Or, well, it’s not who I am with her.


I’m trying to focus, knowing I’ve got a fight tonight. It’s one of the prelims that Corey set up for me. I slam my fist in the punching bag, I try everything to get Haven off my mind, but nothing seems to be working. I don’t like this shit. Not one bit. I knew her being with me she’d be in the limelight. I might not be boxing anymore, but that doesn’t take away the celebrity status I still hold. That status won’t be going away any time soon, and I thought she could handle it.

I hoped that she could trust me and not believe tabloids and whatnot. I’m not going to go out there and be with other women when I have the whole damn shebang when it comes to her.

Why the hell couldn’t she understand and trust me?

“You okay, man?” Travis asks, breaking me out of my thoughts as he comes up behind the punching bag and holds it in place. “You seem pissed and taking it out on the bag again.”

“Got shit on my mind,” I answer truthfully.

“See that. You gonna be able to focus and put your mind on the fight tonight without wearing yourself out before then?”

I release a breath and shake my head, stepping back from the punching bag. “Yeah, I’ll be ready. I’m always ready.” I nod.

“Good ‘cause, you know, Dad’s been spreading the word lately,” Travis informs me with a grin. “With you in the ring, we may be seeing even more babes coming to this shit, meaning the pickings will be that much greater to choose from.”

“You’re a fuckin’ manwhore, Travis.” I snort, grinning.

“Hey, what can I say? I love the ladies, and they love me.” He chuckles, wagging his brows up and down.

“I swear you’re gonna end up catching something one day or knocking up the wrong bitch.” With as many women as he’s constantly getting with, I’m surprised he hasn’t already had a scare of one or the other.

“Not gonna happen,” Travis declares. “I know how to wrap my shit up. I don’t sink into any holes without one. And as for the whole catching something, I get checked at the doc’s yearly when I have my physical.”

“I do not need to hear this shit,” I scoff, removing the gloves from my hands. Turning to the stool that I’d set my water bottle on, I snatch it up and swallow a hefty amount before looking back to Travis to ask him if he’s ready to spar, only to find him staring at the entrance of the gym. I follow his line of sight and mutter a curse. “What the hell is he doing here?”

I tense as I take in the arrogant bastard’s features as he locks eyes on me, grinning while he makes his way across the gym.

Travis moves somewhat in front of me. For what reason? I don’t fucking know. I’m not about to cause problems and disrespect Corey by putting my fist in this asshole’s face.

“Well. Well. Well. Looks like the almighty have really fallen.” Niko smirks, shoving his hands in his pockets, looking smug.

“Why the hell are you here, Niko?” I demand through clenched teeth.

“I simply wanted to see the champ in all his glory,” Niko answers and looks around the gym before bringing his gaze back to me. “Oh wait, you aren’t the champ anymore. You’re nothing but a pussy.”

I take a step toward the bastard, narrowing my eyes on him, ready to show him who the fucking pussy is. If Travis wasn’t standing in the way, I’d show him with my fist. But Travis doesn’t let me get past him.

“Don’t listen to this dickhead, man. He’s just trying to whip that small dick out and see who’s got the bigger one. We both know he’s got shit compared to ours,” Travis states with a sneer. “You know I would blame it on the steroids, but I bet you were just born that way, weren’t you, Nikki boy?”

“Fuck you,” Niko snarls, leveling a glare at Travis. “You don’t even fuckin’ matter in this conversation.”
