Page 38 of Finding Reese

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“Better for who? Because from where I’m sitting, it certainly doesn’t look like it’s better for you. In regard to him being a public figure, I get it. That’s hard having random strangers poking into your affairs, but you’re the one who knows the truth, Haven. Besides, instead of thinking of the media as your enemy, I think they may be helping us out.” He sits forward with a smile on his face.

“What do you mean helping us out?”

I couldn’t see how that was possible. Since that article came out in the tabloids about me being Reese’s woman, every day there’s at least one camera crew trying to get in and ask me questions. I do my best to shoo them away, but it’s still very annoying.

“Look at this. Since the media has taken a special interest in you, there’s been a drastic upswing in donations to the community center.” He shoves a few pieces of paper in my direction. All of them, notations on random income and donations coming in. “People have been coming in to ask questions about how to help us out or how to get the children more equipment. We’ve had more kids come in to register for our programs. I’ve even been speaking with a few new sponsors about funding for the center. Haven, everyone wants to know about you, so tell them what you want them to know.”

“Wow. Really? I mean, I’ve seen more traffic, but I guess I wasn’t paying too close attention.” I hand the pages back to him.

“Yeah, I’m so excited. If things keep going like this, we may even be able to save the community center from closing down. There’s a silver lining to your stormy cloud.”He smirks, and I give a half-hearted chuckle.

My eyes dart to the side of the room before I look down at my hands. “And what about the harem?” I say, hissing the last word.

“Harem? Oh, you mean those women in the photos?”

“Yeah. They are always around. They all want him.”

He shakes his head before squinting his eyes at me. “I’m going to put on my therapist hat for just a second here. Haven, they may all want him, but he’s already made it clear that he only wants you. Maybe you need to consider the fact that you may be pushing Reese away simply because you don’t feel worthy of the love that man is trying to give. Could it be this is a little bit of self-sabotage?”

I should be angry right now. Why am I not telling him how wrong he is?

“He told me I have to trust him.”

With a nod, Luke replies, “You do. As long as he doesn’t betray your trust and you guys work on some boundaries for his fans, I don’t see why you have to deny yourself this chance of being happy.”

Something is different with Luke. He’s happier too. “You sound like you got yourself a slice of this happiness pie you’re trying to serve me.”

He laughs. “Oh, yeah. I think I do. She’s a good woman. It’s been a while.”

The sound of kids screaming at each other out in the hallway captures both of our attention.

“Well, duty calls.” I stand ready to go out and deal with whatever the problem is, but I turn back to Luke before I do. “I needed this. Thank you.”

“Anytime, Haven. You’re family here. We all want you to be happy.”

I want to be happy too. It’s just starting to feel like being with Reese and being happy are the same thing.

* * *

The kids ran me absolutely ragged today. I know this is what I signed up for when I chose to become a program leader here, but I think I may have to take Luke up on his offer to take off for a few days.

It’s the end of the day, and most of the children have already gone home. There are only a few stragglers, and as soon as they leave, I’m going to run straight home and jump in bed.

The bell sounds on the front door leading into the community center, and I let out an annoyed groan. If it’s one of those paparazzi assholes trying to get me to talk about Reese, I’m going to lose my mind.

“Well, look who we found.”

I turn, surprised to see both Skyla and Christina walking over to me.

“Hey! What are you guys doing here?” I ask, meeting them halfway. They hug me and kiss my cheek in greeting.

“What do you mean, what are we doing here? If we didn’t come, we’d never see you.” Christina laughs.

I bite my lip and shoot her an apologetic glance. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ve just been so busy the past few days. I was going to stop by soon.” That’s a lie. I don’t think I can chance going to the gym where I know Reese might be. Not for a long while.

“Hey, Miss,” Benny says, waving at Christina.

“Hey, kiddo. How’s things?” Christina asks.
