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“For how long?”

“Just a couple of days. Or I guess weeks.”

He waits for me to go on and I sigh.

“I had one while I was at the VA hospital, but I didn’t know what it was and I just wanted to be alright, so I didn’t say anything. I had another one when I was getting ready to leave but it passed so fast that I convinced myself that it was nothing.”

“Then the grocery store,” he says quietly, and I nod.

“Yeah, and this restaurant in Lilac Harbor today too.”

“Do you think that you’re just not ready to be out of the hospital?” he asks and I shake my head.

“I am. I’m fine, I just…” I trail off but he gets what I mean.

We sit in silence for a moment and I smile as I see Corrine dancing in front of the window over the sink.

“What about you and Corrine?” Patrick asks, and I shrug, not looking away from her.

“We’ve been sleeping together. Well, we slept together.”

“Yeah, no shit. You’ve got goo-goo eyes for her,” he says with a snort and I glare at him.

“Shut up.”

“Hey! I’m happy for you two. She seems like a sweetheart and she’s obviously good for you. I haven’t seen you so relaxed and smiling in years.”

“I like her,” I admit and he grins.

“She likes you too.”

Yeah, but how much?

That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?

A sharp pain shoots down my leg and I wince, my hands turning to fists on the table.


“I’m okay,” I grit out from between my teeth.

“Obviously,” he says sarcastically.

“Okay, I’m not fine,” I relent as the pain starts to subside. “I think that I need to see someone. For my head and my leg.”

“I think so too.”

We sit in silence as I try to compose myself. I flex my foot, testing to see if more pain is coming but it’s just a dull ache.

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” Patrick starts and I glance up at him warily.


“I figured that you might need to see someone before I came to get you. I already researched psychiatrists and psychologists nearby and narrowed it down to the top three. I did the same for nearby physical therapists too, but there weren’t as many choices there.”

Part of me is embarrassed that he thought I would need so much help but the truth is that I do.

I guess there’s no shame in admitting that.
