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“She babysits on the side, I think.”

I vaguely remember her telling me that she was headed home from babysitting the night that we met. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was great with kids. It’s obvious that she loves being around them.

“We might have to hire her soon. Snow and I haven’t had a date night or a few hours to ourselves in a while,” Wells says.

“You know that we’d all be happy to watch them,” Rhodes tells him and he nods.

“I know, but we don’t want to take advantage of you guys. Besides, you’ll all have babies of your own here soon enough.”

He’s right. Everyone’s wife is pregnant now and we’re coming up on all of their due dates here pretty soon.

I really need to find my own place…

“Where are you taking her for your date?” Rhodes asks.

“She wanted to cook for me, so we’re just going to her place.”

“You know,” Ledger starts, and I look up at him as I finish tying my shoe.

“What?” I ask when he doesn’t continue right away.

“There’s a cabin not too far from here that just went up for sale,” he says.

“Oh yeah! The old Miller place, right?” Wells asks and Ledger nods.

“Yeah, it’s like five miles west of here.”

“Okay…” I say. Maybe I’m just too focused on my date with Mabel, but I’m not getting where they’re going with this.

“So, you could put an offer in on it. That is, if you’re staying in Fallen Peak.”

Do I want to stay in Fallen Peak?

“I mean, you are always more than welcome to stay here,” Ledger rushes to add. “I just thought that maybe you would like some more privacy with your girl.”

He has a point. It would be nice to be able to bring Mabel home and not have to worry about Ledger, Tilly, or any of the guys being here.

Am I staying in Fallen Peak though? What would I do for work? I have savings from my time in the military, but that won’t last me long, especially if I’m buying a house.

Do I really want to leave though?

I know that Mabel likes it here and I can’t imagine leaving her. I know it’s only been a few days, but she’s already become so important to me.

This place has already become so important to me and I’m not sure how that happened. I always stuck to myself, even more than I do now that everyone thinks that I’m a hero.

I’ve grown used to being alone, to spending my days inside so that I don’t have to deal with the attention. I was the same way when I was a kid and I never had many friends. Now it looks like that’s all starting to change and I feel like a fish out of water.

I have no idea what I’m doing. Being with Mabel is a bit like standing on the edge of a cliff. It’s an exhilarating, heart-racing adventure, but I also feel like one wrong step could send me toppling over the side.

“Do you have any pictures?” I ask and Ledger grins.

The next thing I know, we’re in his office downstairs checking out the listing online.

The cabin is nice. I mean, not as nice as Ledger’s, but it’s still beautiful, and looking at it feels more like home than his place.

It’s a two-story nestled in the forest and it really is less than five miles from all of the guys’ places. I like the idea of being close by, that way I can help out if anyone needs anything for the babies or around their places.

Everything looks updated and I like the open floor plan in the kitchen and living room. It needs a fresh coat of paint in a few rooms, but other than that, it’s perfect for me. Wells tells me that he helped when the roof was replaced a couple of years ago, so that’s another plus.
