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We both groan as I sink all the way down and settle on his thighs. I grind my ass down against his thighs and watch as he grits his teeth. I can feel him swelling inside of me already and I grin.

“Minx,” Jonah whispers when he sees my smile and I bite my bottom lip.

“I like making you feel good,” I admit, and he tangles his fingers in my hair and pulls me closer to him.

“You always make me feel good,” he says, and then his lips are on mine.

I start to ride him as he kisses me harder. His hands are all over me, running up my thighs, gripping my ass, cupping my breasts.

When he leans forward and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth, I start to come. He rolls his tongue over the sensitive peak and I grind against him.

“That’s it. Come all over my cock. Get us both off,” Jonah urges me.

I cry out his name as I come. My pussy clamps down around his cock and he chokes out my name as he finds his own release.

I grind down on him one last time as we both stare into each other’s eyes, breathing hard, cheeks flushed.

Jonah sags back against the couch cushions and I lean forward, kissing him once before I climb off of him and stand.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks me with a flirty smile and I grin back.

“Nowhere,” I say with a naughty smirk as I drop back to my knees between his legs.

Jonah moans my name as I take him back into my mouth, licking him clean and sucking his cock until he’s hard again.

“Round two,” Jonah says, grabbing me.

He lifts me and stands, turning and pressing my back against the wall. He sinks inside of me and I sigh. I love how he fills me up. His hands cup my ass and I grin. When he rests his forehead against mine, I know that we’re going to be forever.

Jonah gets me. We connect so effortlessly and I love him. I know that he’s my future.

I know that he’s my Prince Charming.



One Year Later…

“I can’t believethat we let it get this long,” Mabel says as she combs my hair and starts cutting.

“Well, we were a little preoccupied with other things,” I remind her.

Her pregnant belly presses against my side and I brush my fingers over it. Mabel is six months along and has just really started to show in the last few weeks.

We’ve been busy getting settled into our new cabin and getting the nursery set up the way that Mabel wants, so things like haircuts have kind of been pushed to the side. Not that I’ve minded. I live to give my wife anything that she wants.

We got married close to a year ago. I knew right away that Mabel was the one for me and luckily for me, she knew too. I had been worried when I proposed that she would think that it was too soon. Instead, she had jumped on me and shouted yes before I could even finish asking her. My hands had been sweaty and shaking so much that I could barely get the ring out of the box, but Mabel just smiled like I was adorable.

We just had a small wedding at the courthouse in town and then went to Ledger and Tilly’s place to celebrate. By then everyone either had babies, was heavily pregnant, or in Grier and Anise’s case, newly pregnant, and we were all too tired to go out. I was eager to get Mabel alone so I didn’t mind, and I think that Mabel was just as excited to spend our first night as Mr. and Mrs. Schultz.

From there, we took our honeymoon to Bora Bora. I spent a week with Mabel only wearing a swimsuit and it was heaven. We explored the island, went kayaking and snorkeling, and ate some of the best food of my life. It was definitely a step outside of my comfort zone, but I loved it because I had Mabel by my side. Seeing her grinning at me from behind her scuba mask or laughing as we both tried not to tip over our kayaks made the whole experience that much better.

When we came back home to Fallen Peak, Ledger had a surprise for us. He had bought us that cabin that he showed me as a wedding gift. I told him that he didn’t have to do that, that it was way too expensive, but he insisted. He already had all of the paperwork, so I couldn’t really argue with him. I tried to pay him back, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He said that he was just happy to have his family close by and that it was the least that he could do for a war hero.

I had just rolled my eyes. I’ve gotten used to the praise and the thanks now. After I told Mabel everything that happened, she encouraged me to talk to someone. I ended up seeing a psychiatrist who pushed me to talk to Reyes, the remaining survivor, for his take on what happened.

Hearing what he had to say about that day had been eye-opening. There were so many things that I didn’t remember or didn’t know because I was in the other Humvee. He filled in a lot of the gaps and thanked me again for saving his life. He never blamed me for not being able to save the others and he helped to show me that there was nothing that I could have done for them.
