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“You know that they’re probably just as afraid of you as you are of them,” he reminds me and I snort.

“They’re not.”

He just shakes his head and carries me up to a newer looking SUV. He opens the passenger door and then grabs my waist and sets me on the seat.

“All good?” he asks and I nod.


He nods and starts to close the door and I take one last look at his body. I can’t believe that I was just wrapped around that.

“Are you single?” I ask as he climbs behind the wheel and starts the car and he blinks.


“Good to know.”

He chuckles and asks me where to. I give him directions to my apartment on the outskirts of town and hope that he doesn’t realize that I sent him the long way there.

I don’t know what it is about the guy, but I’m not ready for our time together to be over.

Not so soon anyway.



I’m only out here doingthis because I woke up early and couldn’t fall back asleep.

That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.

I twist the cap off of the coolant and pour it into Mabel’s car. I brought the stuff to change her oil too but when I went to drain the oil, only a few drops came out. That had made me roll my eyes but it made my job easier here. I poured in the new oil and checked the rest of the engine.

I was able to snag her car key when she was clinging to me last night, so my plan is to drive it over to her place and then walk back to my car.

My jeans start to feel tight as I think about the way that she was wrapped around me last night. I had been surprised when she jumped on me. When she started to climb me and tried to suffocate me, I didn’t know what to think. It had been the most confusing boner of my life.

Somehow though, carrying her down the dark street had made me feel like the hero that everyone around here thinks that I am.

Being around Mabel last night had made me feel normal, something that a six-foot-five giant has rarely felt. She’s unapologetically herself and it made me relax. I didn’t feel like I had to make small talk, mainly because she made enough for the both of us.

She had made me feel attractive. I’m glad that it was so dark out because it would have been hard to hide the blush when she asked me if I was single. I smile as I remember how she asked me if what I said was a euphemism. It really seemed like she wanted it to be.

I climb into her car and twist the key in the ignition. The car sputters to life and I let it run for a few minutes, making sure that it’s not going to start smoking or shut off before I shift into drive and head toward town.

Mabel’s apartment was on the outskirts of town and I head there. The GPS on my phone takes me a different way than last night and I wonder if she knows that there’s a shorter route to take. Maybe I should tell her. It might save her some time in the future.

I pull into her parking lot and wonder if I should just leave the keys here in her car somewhere or if I should go knock on her door. She made sure to point out which one was hers last night and I smile at the memory. I’ve never had someone hit on me before. I never thought that I would like the attention, but somehow, when it’s Mabel doing it, I can’t get enough.

It’s still pretty early and I don’t want to wake her. Besides, this is Fallen Peak. The crime rate here is like zero, so I’m sure that the keys will be alright in the cupholder.

I climb out and close the door and that’s when I feel a familiar pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind.

“My hero!” Mabel half yells against my back and I grin.

“I just poured some coolant and oil in. You should still probably take it to the mechanic’s and have them give it a once over.”

“I can’t believe you fixed it and brought it here,” she says, finally releasing me and I turn to take her in.
