Page 116 of Flame True

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Her mouth upturned in that little smirk. Yeah, he’d much rather have her mouth around his cock.Nick threaded his fingers through hers. “No, I have not stashed anyone here. Actually, I haven’t taken anyone through those doors. The women I play with are either members or guests of members.”

“Why not your apartment? Or back at Axis Management?”

“They might be at my apartment. This was the place I thought of, and it’s secure.” She looked towards the enormous imposing black doors with a small smile. “Do you just hide me in the corner, or do we play?”

“That’s up to you, ma belle,” Nick gave her hair another sharp tug, her breath whooshed out in the softest gasp, then he captured her mouth, kissing her deeply.

She melded against him. He let go of her hair.

“Okay,” Mulberry licked her lips. “I want to do it. I want to play. But I’m worried about being recognized.”

“Everyone in there is a paid member who has undergone extensive vetting. Guests of members sign a confidentiality agreement before they play, agreeing not to talk, post, or share what goes on in Club Bandit. What do you say?”

“What can we do?”

“Anything you want. A large room on the third floor has windows and is made for people to look inside to see whatever is going on. We don’t have to do anything. We can sit in this parking lot, and I can check in with everyone to ensure we aren’t being followed and nobody is waiting for us.”

“Or I can do something I’ve always wanted to do and go play in public, not in a private session with someone I’ve hired.” She frowned. “Though you’re kind of the same, aren’t you?”

She turned away from him, but she might as well have kicked him in the gut.

“Mulberry, I don’t think that’s…” the words stuck in his throat.

He didn’t know what to say to this woman.

Yeah, she had started as another charge on a job, a client to protect.

But now she was so much more.

It was her laugh he wanted to hear, her scent he wanted to breathe in, her soft lips he wanted to taste and explore.

She made his life sparkle.

Before her, he thought his destiny to work for his family was boring and mundane.

Mulberry made him see it as something he could fit into, not run away from, and be a part of just as he was.

“You didn’t hire me,” Nick glanced at the stars, trying to draw in some inspiration. “I mean, maybe that doesn’t matter, but you didn’t pay me to do those things to your body. I did that all on my own.”

“Why?” She sounded like she was crying, and he couldn’t take it. He spun her to face him and crushed her against his chest.

“Because you were too glorious to ignore. You made my heart beat in a new rhythm. Your innocence compelled me to see how far I could take you, how much pleasure I could get out of your body.”

Mulberry closed her eyes, shaking her head. “You don’t like me.”

Nick didn’t like the mushy stuff. But for Mulberry, he would carve his heart up on a platter.

“You’re wrong,” he said softly. “I’ve liked you since the moment I saw you. Okay, maybe not the exact moment,” Nick cursed, biting off his words.

The moment he first saw her was chaotic, and ended up with one of his best friend’s death. So no, that was not a great intro.

But after, when she was on the plane, and he held her and saw her incredible grey-blue eyes, he felt a spark between them.

And when he had to guard her for that charity event, he could hardly believe how together she was, mere months after being taken from her house in the middle of the night.

This woman had the strength he knew he didn’t, and by being close to her, he could touch it, take some of it for himself and protect it, shelter it as a rare and precious thing that should be handled.

“But I couldn’t get you out of my mind. That’s why I didn’t want to bodyguard you. I didn’t think I could keep from touching you.”
