Page 27 of Flame True

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“Correct. But your safety will come before anything, and I don’t take my orders from you.”

“Can I text you when I’m ready?”

“Text me as soon as you get up.” He stood, ending the conversation. There was no reason for her to text him immediately other than he wanted her to do it, to see how she followed orders.

“I wish I had something to change into. I can’t believe how tired this whole thing’s made me feel.”

“In the bedroom closet, there is probably loungewear of some kind. I’ll see what I can do about your things. Give me your phone.”

Without hesitation, she held it out to Nick. Using a Laurent Industries scanner app, he had all her phone’s info and contact in seconds.

Mulberry stood and shook her head as if stopping herself from waving bye at him or walking him to the door.

“Get some rest. The panels for the lights are here.” Nick pointed to the sleek bank of switches on the wall. “And you are completely safe.”

“That’s why I think I can sleep. Alone, finally,” her brows furrowed. She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Mulberry, is there anything else I need to know right now?”

“No. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.” Nick slid his hands into his pockets, trying to be casual.

“Do you have a girlfriend or a wife…when we’re photographed, am I going to cause trouble for you?” Her big eyes looked at him under her long wispy bangs, and something tugged at his heart at how insecure and empathetic she was at this moment.

He strode over to her. Reaching out, he trailed his fingers through her silky hair.

He lightly draped an arm around her when she didn’t pull away. She felt soft under his touch.

His thumb brushed her exposed collarbone for a moment.

An electric current sparked to life between them.

“No, Mulberry, I have no attachments. If we’re photographed together, my Mamie, my grandmother, will shout for joy.”

She smiled. “Really?”

“Yes, the Heir of Laurent Industries not settling down has been an issue.”

“I can imagine,” Mulberry mumbled.

“Oh, it’s worse than anything you can imagine. My mother tried to set me up just the other morning.”

She giggled. “Did you agree?”

“Nobody is going to tell me who to love or when. Also, I’m not the settling down type.”

“Lucky for me, you’re the bodyguard type.”


She smiled at him, and it wasn’t a fake expression. He was happy to see the worry leave her face. When she dropped her guards, being in her company was kind of easy.

“Ah, I should introduce you to the parents before the gala, sorry. Breakfast tomorrow?”

“Why are you saying sorry?”

“They’re kind of a lot.”
