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I have to remind myself not to mention anything about tonight, so I tuck it away deep inside. With just one look, Lennon can tell I’m lying because I suck at it, so as long as I steer the conversation away from unrelated things, I’ll be fine. I’ll just keep the focus on school, since she’s back to teaching again, and my adorable niece.

I’m nervous to meet up with Lennon, considering how strained things have been lately and all the changes happening in our lives. She hasn’t been unsupportive of Weston’s and my relationship, but she worries about me. I understand because I worry about her too, especially after Brandon’s unexpected death, everything going on with our parents, and Hunter.

By the time I make it there, she’s already waiting for me by the entrance. As soon as I see her, I smile and greet her, and she starts talking as we walk in. I grab a cart, and we head straight to the veggies. I know I need to keep her here as long as possible to give Hunter enough time to do this thing.

“So how’s school been?” I ask, not making eye contact with her as I push the sleeves up on my sweater and reach for some bell peppers.

“It’s been great. Getting ready for the spring concert next week,” she tells me. A moment later, Lennon grabs my arm and pulls me closer to her. When I look into her eyes, I jerk my arm from her grasp.

She lowers her voice, worry blanketing her tone. This is the last thing I wanted to happen, especially here and when I’m still dealing with my own feelings over it.

“What happened, Soph?” She goes quiet, and I can tell she’s concerned. I feel myself begin to break, so I push my emotions back, not wanting to cry in front of Lennon. I’m stronger than that.

I let out a laugh. “It’s nothing.”

As suspected, she doesn’t buy it. “That’s not nothing.”

Lennon places her hands on her hips and waits for me to explain, but I don’t even know where to begin. I can’t tell her how I really feel about it, so I suck in a ragged breath and give her a brief summary. It sounds so stupid coming from my mouth in the middle of a grocery store.

“Did he hit you?” She looks over my face, and I realize I didn’t add more foundation before I left.

“It was an accident, Lennon,” I say between gritted teeth, trying to push down my embarrassment.

She shakes her head, angry and obviously upset. “You don’t drink too much, then accidentally hit someone. This is not okay.”

I want to change the subject and talk about something else. Anything but this.

“He promised me it would never happen again, okay?” I snap, wanting her to drop it right now. I think about Weston and everything he’s done over the last few days to make it up to me. I have to believe it was an accident. A man I love would never do anything to hurt me. Up until that night, he’s made me extremely happy, and I know what we have is special. My anger rises as I continue, “He loves me, Lennon. I know that’s hard for you to believe because no one is allowed to be happy except for you.” I know as soon as the words leave my lips that I shouldn’t have said that. It was uncalled for, and her reaction tells me as much.

“Are you serious right now? I want nothing but the best for you and Maddie. That’s total bullshit you’d say that to me.” Lennon turns to leave without even looking back at me.

Guilt streams through me along with a handful of other emotions. I chase after her, not wanting her to leave but knowing she can’t. I refuse to be the reason Hunter’s plans fall through, and I don’t want my sister mad at me for eternity. Not when today is going to be one of the happiest days of her life.

“Lennon, wait. I’m sorry. I don’t want to argue with you.” She ignores me, not making eye contact because I pushed her too far. “I didn’t mean to say that. I have a lot going on right now and shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I know you only want the best for me.” I feel the tears creeping, welling, and I try to keep them at bay. There’s so much I want to tell her but can’t. If Weston found out, he’d be pissed, and if Lennon knew how scared I was that night, she’d tell me to leave him.

“You need to be careful, Sophie. It’s not okay for someone to lay their hands on you, no matter what, and I’m worried about you. I already don’t care for the dickface, but then this happens.”
