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She shook her head. “We had a last-minute emergency, so I got off late. I’m starved.”

“So am I. Who serves a good breakfast?”

“The new waffle place on the corner.”

He led her to his car, pausing to put his computer and paperwork on the back seat.

“You’re messy,” she pointed out.

“I said you could have breakfast, not point out my bad habits.”

“Sorry. I’ll save it for after breakfast. And I buy my own, in case you need to know.”

His eyebrows arched. “Why?”

“So I won’t be accused of letting an FBI agent bribe me.”

“I never bribe women with food,” he said curtly.

“Oh, I see. You don’t like women.”

“Got it.” He got in under the wheel and drove them to the fast food joint. They walked in together.

“Why don’t you like women?” she asked.

“Because I used to be involved with one. She took off with another guy.”


He glanced at her. “You married?”

“Not on your life.”

“Did you used to be involved with somebody too?” he asked.

She went quiet. “I want a waffle and bacon and black coffee, Sadie,” she told the woman at the counter.

“I heard there was a flap on last night. You get it worked out?”

She smiled at the woman. “Just about.”

“And what will you have, sir?” Sadie asked Tom.

“Same as her,” he replied.

“How easy to please you both are,” Sadie mused, used to people studying the menu for ten minutes only to decide they’d just have coffee.

“Only when it comes to food,” Tom replied.

“I thought you were that sort of man,” Annalisa mused.

“Oh, and separate checks, Sadie,” Annalisa called back over her shoulder.

“Got it.”

They found a booth at the back of the waffle house and sat down. She pushed back a wisp of blond hair that had escaped the braid she’d pinned around the top of her head.

“Don’t you wear it down?” he asked, studying her.

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