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“Guess not.” Though it’s been like this since I moved here last fall. Maybe Shane has a point and Polson Falls needs more places like this. What’s that movie line? If you build it, they will come?

I’m surveying the crowd—a healthy mix of barely legal to empty-nesters—when I spot a familiar head of perfectly styled hair.

“No way.” It couldn’t be …

But it is.

“What?” Scarlet frowns.

“It’s him.” Garrett is seated in a booth at the back with an older man, cutlery lying across their plates to signal they’ve finished their meals.

“That’s the developer?” Scarlet’s eyebrows climb halfway up her forehead. “Damn. Okay, I get it.”

“That’s because you can’t see his reptilian scales from here.”

“Right.” Her face sours. “What a waste.”

The restroom door is to our left. I keep moving past it, my bladder’s needs temporarily forgotten.

“Justine … what are you doing?” Scarlet asks.

“Probably something stupid. Catch up with you in a bit.” I weave through the crowd. Garrett and his companion are in such intense conversation, they don’t notice me marching toward them, my jaw set with determination.

“Look who it is!” I drop myself into the narrow space on the bench next to him.

Garrett, mid sip on his beer, jumps a touch, surprised by my bold interruption. “Justine,” he manages around his swallow. After a beat, he shifts over to give me more room.

“Good idea. Wouldn’t want me sitting on that tail of yours,” I say loud enough for only him to hear, capping it with a toothy grin.

His forehead wrinkles. “Huh?”

The man across from me watches our exchange with curious blue eyes. He’s distinguished-looking and attractive, everything about him shaped tidily, from his steel-gray hair to his cuff links. I know I’ve seen him before—that thick gray mustache makes a statement. I just can’t place him yet.

“Garrett, are you going to introduce your friend?” he finally asks.

“I’m Justine.” I throw my hand across the table, gripping his in a firm shake.

His face softens a touch. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Richard, Garrett’s uncle.”

“You’re his uncle?” My mouth gapes.

“Why do you say it like that?” Another flicker to Garrett. “Were you expecting someone different?”

“Actually, the way Garrett described you … yeah.”

“Oh?” He cocks his head at his nephew. “Do tell.”

“I don’t know what she’s talking about.” Garrett’s wearing a black button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up to show off cut forearms. The muscles in them cord as he grips his pint glass.

“Sure you do. What was it you said, exactly? Oh, right.” I snap my fingers. “You were moving to Polson Falls because your uncle was aging and needed your help.” This man in front of me is in his early sixties—at most—and from the looks of his shoulders and his upper body, is nowhere near ready for a room at Bonny Acres.

“Is that so?” Mixed with amusement, I catch the faintest hint of displeasure in Richard’s tone.

Garrett’s jaw tenses. “That is not what I said.”

It’s exactly what he said, and my ire flares that he would dare paint me a liar. But if he wants one of those, he’s got it. “He asked for names of assisted living facilities in the area. I gave him a few recommendations, including the one I volunteer at, Bonny Acres. Great place, but between you and me, I don’t know why he’d think you belong in one of those.”

Richard clasps his hands in front of him, leaning in a touch. “I’d love to hear his answer to that.”

Garrett falls back against the bench, muttering something under his breath that I don’t catch. “Richard, Justine works next to the Revive project location. She’s recently learned about it and isn’t thrilled.”

“Ah, I see.” Uncle Richard says that like it all makes perfect sense. “And you grew up in Polson Falls?”

“No, she’s only been here a few months,” Garrett answers for me. “I don’t know why she’s taking it so personally.”

Because you made it personal when you made me like you, asshole. I force a smile. “Actually, what I’m not thrilled about is your nephew coming into Murphy’s, feeding me lies while flirting with me, all under the guise of getting me to convince my boss to sell the building to him.”

“Inaccurate.” Garrett shakes his head to emphasize his claim.

“So you didn’t ask me to stay on as an employee if you bought Murphy’s? You didn’t tell me you had ways of keeping me in line if you were my boss and I was being bad?” I let a tinge of sultriness slip into my voice as I lean toward him.

Annoyance flashes in Garrett’s eyes as they scan my face, along with something else I can’t confirm. A heated challenge, perhaps. I’m so close, I can pick out the curved pattern in his brown irises and the heavy ring of hazel circling his pupils.

A throat clears, pulling our attention across the table.
