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“Did he explain what the deal was?” I ask.

“Only a few hours ago. He called and said that you offered to take responsibility and that from now on, I was to have no contact with him until a paternity test could be done. He said if it was confirmed, he’d pay financially but that was it.”

“Such a fucking asshole,” I growl. “He marched in here, throwing around threats for me to clean up his mess. I told him to fuck right off.”

“Mason, I’m so sorry,” Serena says between sobs. “I don’t know why he thinks he has to involve you. I’m not going to tell the media he’s the father anyway.”

“This is his way of covering his tracks in case you decide to blast him anytime in the future. His whole job is doing damage control for all his shady practices. Perhaps you should sell your story. Someone needs to burst his image bubble.” I huff.

“That puts you at risk, Mason. I’d never do that to you.”

I shrug. “He can’t be sure of the outcome, so he’s throwing out theories. Even if one of my cases got reopened, I have the best lawyer in the state to help me fight it.” I throw her a wink, and she smiles for the first time since she got here.

“Mason, are you sure? You tell your dad no, and he’s going to lose his shit.”

“He’s tried to control me my whole life. I’m not about to let him start now. He can walk around looking over his shoulder for once, waiting to see if you blow his cover.”

“I’m not going to say anything, but it’d be nice to have the upper hand by letting him think I could.” She smirks, which makes me grin.

“Thatta girl. Don’t let him be a douchebag to you. Make him pay child support and anything else you need, and don’t allow him to get away with this. If he didn’t want to jeopardize his name, then he should’ve thought about that years ago.”

“Thank you,” she says softly. “I’ve been sick over this and how to tell you. You’re one of my best friends, and I royally fucked up.”

I stand with a smirk, and I pull her into a hug. “Come here.”

Serena wraps her arms around my waist, and I hold her tight against me.

“You know the baby is going to technically be my sister or brother.” I chuckle.

She giggles. “I know. Weird, right?”

I pull back, laughing. “Very.”

We stroll into the living room, and Sophie quickly sets her book down and stands. “Hey. Everything okay?”

“Yeah, it will be,” I tell her, glancing at Serena. “My father’s a fuckwad, but that’s nothing new.” I shrug.

“Serena, I want to say how sorry I am for the way I acted the last time you were here. I never should’ve—”

“No, you have nothing to apologize for,” Serena cuts her off. “You’re protective of your relationship with Mason, which confirms how much you love him. No need to be sorry for that.” Serena smiles at her and me. “I really am happy you two are together.”

“Thank you,” Sophie says. “Congrats on the baby, even if the circumstances aren’t what you expected.”

Serena nods and wipes away her tears, but smiles. “Thanks. Even if things aren’t ideal, I am excited to be a mom and have this baby. Even if I have to do it alone.”

“You won’t be alone,” I immediately tell her. “You know I’m not going anywhere.”

“My sister Lennon is pregnant with her second, and I’m sure she can give you mom tips. She’s really helpful, and you two would get along.”

“You’re both more than I deserve.” Serena gives Sophie a hug, then me. “I’ll keep you updated. I have my first appointment next week.”

“You have everything packed?” I ask Sophie the morning after Thanksgiving. It’s been three weeks since I learned about Serena and my dad. After telling him to kiss my ass and that neither me nor Serena were going to lie on his behalf, he basically told me to “prepare” for the worst. Then I told him to fuck off and blocked his number. He should be kissing my ass, considering I could tell his wife, and she could do whatever she wants with the information. But knowing Hallie, she won’t do anything. She loves her luxurious lifestyle too much to rock the boat. On top of that, it’d be my little sister Michaela paying the price, and I don’t want her involved in any of his scandals either. She’s only five, and even if our father’s a piece of shit, he spends time with her and gives her anything she wants. I’d rather she have some kind of father figure than be left with nothing.

“Just about ready!” she calls out.

When I walk into her room and lean against the doorframe, I smirk at the mess on her bed. “What are you doing?” I ask with a chuckle. It doesn’t look like she’s even started.
