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“This is between you and me now, son. I want to know where my money is.”

Swallowing down the bile threatening to surface, I sit up straighter. “I’m still trying to come up with it. I have some, but I need more time.”

“More time?” He chuckles, pacing in front of me as the two guys who kicked my ass in the hallway enter. “You stole more than enough time, don’t you think?”

I groan, knowing nothing I can say at this point will keep him from killing me.

“JJ didn’t tell me he was borrowing from you,” I say softly. “I don’t have that kind of money.”

“Bullshit.” He nods to the bodyguard, who steps closer, then decks me right in the eye. My face whips to the side, and I spew out blood.

“Not bullshit,” I say hoarsely. “He propositioned me.”

Another nod, another punch to the face.

I spit again, every part of me throbbing and wishing he’d just end it already. I’ll never be able to come up with that kind of money.

“Hector,” Johnny says, motioning for him to come forward. Hector hands Johnny an iPad then turns it toward me. The contents of my stomach threaten to come up when I see a live video of the house. I meet his eyes, but my jaw locks in place as I will myself to stay quiet. Johnny swipes the screen, and pictures of Maddie pop up.

Maddie walking out of the house. Me driving her to school. Maddie walking around campus. Maddie reading in a coffee shop.

I swallow hard at the realization that they’ve been following not only me but her too.

To fuck with me.

“What do you want?” I hiss, darting my eyes back to Johnny and jerking in my chair.

“Are you hard of hearing?” he shouts, stepping closer. He sucker-punches me in the gut, making me grunt. “I’m feeling nice today, Liam, so I’ll tell you what…”

Johnny puts space between us as Hector stands to his side.

“Damien won’t put a bullet through your brain today, but you’ve gotta give me something.”

I flick my eyes over to the other large man and notice two guns holstered to his body. “What is it?”

“How much do you have?” he counters.

“Fifteen grand.” On top of the ten thousand I won the last time I was in Vegas, I’ve sold everything possible and saved from my jobs the past two months so I had at least something to offer. I know it’s peanuts compared to what I owe, but it’s all I have.

“Hmm…” He steeples his fingers and narrows his eyes.

“Damien was really looking forward to shooting someone today. So, give me the money you have, and he’ll only shoot your knees. Deal?”

I grunt. “I’d rather you just kill me then.” I’ll bleed out and die anyway, so I might as well just get it over with.

Johnny laughs, an evil sound that causes goose bumps to form on my arms.

“Alright, have it your way.” Johnny holds out his hand, and Damien drops the gun in his palm.

“You’ll leave my friends alone then?” I bravely ask.

His grin widens. “What’s it matter to you? You’ll be dead.”

My stomach roils, but instead of giving him a reaction, I close my eyes and picture Maddie.

The first moment we met.

The night we were unexpectedly reunited.

The countless times we’ve hung out, teased, and gave each other shit.

The way her lips tasted when we kissed on her twenty-first birthday.

Last week when she recited almost every line from that Patrick Swayze movie.


This will destroy her.

I keep my eyes closed and hear him unlatch the safety.

Counting the seconds, I wait and wonder what they’ll do with my body.

Probably toss it in a dumpster.

Funny how morbid your thoughts turn when you know your life is about to end.

I hear footsteps closing in on me, inch by inch. The cool barrel touches my forehead, and I inhale sharply.

The door whips open, and collective gasps overcome my senses. “Wait!”


Chapter Ten


Celebrating Hunter and Lennon’s wedding in Utah was a blast, and I’m somewhat sad it was only for the weekend, but I told my parents I’d go back and visit during one of my school breaks. Being back home with my family brought so many great memories to the surface while creating new ones.

It’s still hard to believe Lennon is married. Sophie will have her wedding, then get pregnant, and I’ll be Auntie Maddie, the cat lady, who’ll be single forever.

Hmm…maybe I’ll get a Sphynx and name her Virgin.

Virgin, the hairless pussy.

Okay, so the name is still a work in progress, but the concept is still the same.

Dancing with Liam under the glittering lights was far more romantic than it should’ve been. I know not to expect anything from him that’s outside the friendship zone he’s established, but the way he held me and how our bodies moved together had my mind wandering to places it shouldn’t have.
