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“NO,” Dani demands, grabbing my face and forcing my attention to her. “This is what he wants. You knock him out now and you’re suspended for tomorrow’s game. You’ll lose the championship and you can kiss the NHL goodbye.”

“Dani. Move.”

“No. He’s scared of you. He’s chicken shit. He knows you’re going to kick his ass tomorrow, and he’s doing whatever the fuck he can to eliminate the competition. You’re not throwing your future away because of this piece of shit,” she seethes, indicating the dickhead behind her.

“Come on, man,” Tank says to me. “She’s right, and you know it.”

“Fuck,” I yell, finally able to see reason. Tank pulls me back one more step, and I reach out to take Dani in my arms when she holds her hand up to me with a scowl.

Dani turns her back on me, and I cringe, realizing this is the first time she’s ever been upset with me. She looks up at Trent, and I so desperately want to pull her away from that piece of shit. “You’re a real fucking big man, speaking ill of Mia like that,” she spits, looking at him in disgust. “But if anything, you’re the biggest fucking idiot. You’ve just sealed your loss tomorrow because I know for a fact that Miller will not stop until he has defeated you and made you look like the absolute fool that you are. Every single one of them will. They will humiliate you. You will be the laughingstock of ice hockey by the end of that game, and when that final buzzer sounds, you better watch your fucking back.”

Dani goes to walk away when Trent laughs at her back. “Ooh, I love a fierce woman. Why don’t you come home with me tonight?”

Dani turns back around to him, rears back, and punches him square in the nose with everything she’s got. I hear the distinct sound of Trent’s nose being crushed beneath her fist, and I stare at her in shock, knowing damn well I’m rocking a semi. Only it quickly fades away at the look of sheer pain ripping across her face.

Trent roars out in pain as blood gushes from his nose, then being the fucking idiot that he is, he lunges for my girl.

Not on my fucking watch.

I grab Dani and pull her out of the way, and lucky for that fucker, his boys finally get a hold of him. I see fucking red for the second time in a few minutes. First he comes after my sister, and then my girl? He should consider himself lucky that I now have enough control to battle it out on the ice. Dani was right. I’m going to deal with this motherfucker man to man, and when I do, not even the little leagues will want him.

His boys drag him out of the restaurant as we laugh at his expense, but I only have one thing on my mind. I turn to look at my girl, my gaze roaming over her body, making sure she’s alright.

“Fuck,” she cries, shaking out her hand with tears of pain in her green eyes.

“Shit, babe. I can’t believe you just did that. Let me look at your hand,” I ask, reaching out to her.

“No. No fucking way,” she snaps, pointing a finger at me, tears streaking down her face, but she’s too fucking angry to cry. “How dare you almost throw away your future on that piece of shit!”

“Babe, I’m sorry,” I say, reaching out to her again. “Please, let me see your hand.”

“No. Don’t fucking touch me,” she snaps again before checking over her hand and trying to ball it into a fist. “Fuck, that hurts.”

Ignoring her demands, I step into her and take her hand in mine, looking it over to find it already swelling. “I think you might have broken something,” I tell her. “Let me take you to the emergency room. You need to get it checked out.”

“No. I’m sorry, Miller,” she says, the tears still in her eyes, each one of them silently killing me. “I love you, but I’m too fucking angry with you.”

My jaw drops, and I gape at her in horror. “The fuck, babe? Did you not hear what he said?”

“Yes, I heard it. It was terrible, and I hope to God you deal with it later, but you were so ready to throw it all away and that pisses me the fuck off,” she rants. “I swear to God, if you had touched even one hair on that asshole, I would’ve broken your nose instead.”

“She’s not wrong,” Coach Harris says, suddenly beside me. He reaches for Dani’s wrist and glances over her swollen hand with a frown. “Definitely broken,” he says, glancing toward Sophie. “Take Dani to get checked out, and Tank? Take this dickhead upstairs and knock some sense into him before I’m forced to do it. I’ve had enough of this bullshit for one night. I’m going to bed. All you girls be ready for a 5 a.m. training session,” he snaps, then turns on his heel and stalks out of the restaurant.


Sophie moves into Dani’s side, and I lean in to kiss my girl, relieved when she kisses me back. She’s never been this furious with me before, and I’ve got no fucking idea how this is going to play out. I just hope to God she’s not the kind to break up after one disagreement. I wouldn’t survive if she walked away from me now.

Dani turns and leaves with Sophie while Tank drags me upstairs. “What the fuck are we going to do about Trent?” he asks as we step into my room, just as riled up as me.

“I don’t know, but there’s no way that fucker is getting away with disrespecting Mia like that,” I growl.

“I agree, but promise me that whatever goes down, it happens under the radar and after the game,” he says.

“Yeah, man. Mia would hate me if I threw it all away like that. Dani was right,” I tell him as I sink down on the bed.

“That she was,” he says. “But I’m pretty fucking impressed with your girl, man. Did you see the way she put that fucker in his place then socked him? Fuck, I didn’t know she had it in her.”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “She was fucking awesome.”
