Page 26 of Blood Money

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I kept my anger at bay while I was with the Chancellor and Alize. Now that I’m alone—and she’s relatively safe inside her dorm—I let the rage burn through my blood. I pick a cigarette from the pack in my pocket, lighting it as I walk.

It’s the last piece of normalcy I have to hold on to.

I should be relieved. After all, I found the only loophole that could keep Alize safe—making her my fiancée. Yet, it doesn’t feel like a victory. In fact, it may have just complicated things even more.

For one, she isn’t grateful for my rescue, and two, it’s only a matter of time before the news leaves this school, creating another complication. I don’t regret doing it, but I would be lying if I said I’m not alittleharried by how things have developed.

I hate when my hand is forced.

By itself, I love the idea of Alize being engaged to me. It has a nice ring to it. She would have become my wife anyway, so speeding it up a little for her safety isn’t an issue.

What the fuck is my father going to say, though?

I’ve already promised to bring her home with me over the break. Now, to do thatandintroduce her as my fiancée instead of just my girlfriend…I can’t imagine that going well. If this engagement happened after I became a member of the Kingmaker Society, there wouldn’t be a fucking thing he could do about it.

But now it's going to be a hell of a lot harder.

In our world, marriage is meant to be strategic for the family. That’s the angle the old coot is going to take. He’s going to pressure me to break it off—especially when he learns of Alize’s dubious origins. She has no connections to bring to the table.

When he realizes that he can’t get me to break, he might turn his angry attention to her. I’ll never forget how he handled things with one of Graham’s girlfriends.

The poor girl’s family had to relocate.

I take a deep, burning drag of the cigarette.

No, I won’t allow that to happen. I can take my father’s shit all day, every day, but if he ever decides to fuck with Alize, that will be the end of it. To this day, my father doesn’t know how much I hate him because of how he treated my mum, how he still treats me.

It’s time he found out.

When I bring Alize back home, it won’t be up for discussion. He’ll have to accept it, accept her—I’m his heir now, after all. He’s run out of options, and he wouldn’t want to make an enemy out of me. Though I never imagined myself in love or desired marriage, Alize has changed all that.

If she’s alive, I’m alive.

If she’s safe, I’m safe.

If she’s happy, I’m happy.

Well, I still need to work on that last one.

Apparently, she thinks I’m the one who snitched on her—to somehow trap her in our relationship. As if I would ever have the need to do something so crude.

Alize will always be mine, and getting her killed has never—and will never—be on my list of ways to punish her. I would much rather chain her to my bed and dole out my punishment there. There’s nothing she can do that would make me hate her enough to kill her, but she doesn’t seem to understand that.

I’ll have to prove to her that I didn’t snitch on her.

Though I don’t mind her fire—it’s actually quite delicious, the thought of her bucking and writhing in anger while I spear her tight, wet cunt with my cock—I need her to at least believe me. She can be angry at me for any other reason, but to question my integrity?

I’m nothing if not a man of my word.

By the time I make it to the gates of Kingmaker House, I have a loose plan of how to accomplish what I’m after.

Night has fallen, bathing the campus in darkness. Kingmaker House is lit up, and the faint strains of laughter and music waft from the open windows. There’s no party here tonight, but it doesn’t stop the brothers and Associates from creating a ruckus wherever they can.

I frown, plucking the cigarette from my lips and ashing it on my palm. I was hoping for some peace and quiet tonight to finally sleep, but it’s unlikely that I’ll get even that.

As I step through the gates, the handful of brothers idling in the gardens pause their conversation to give me long, dogged looks. Though their glares aren’t as openly hostile as the students earlier, they lack the reverence they’re supposed to have for their leader.

I’m tempted to punch one of them in the face to remind them who actually pulls the strings around here, but I decide against it. I’m too tired anyway.
