Page 23 of Love Over Easy

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I’m the first to come.

“Keep those eyes open, Kin,” he orders as my pussy shudders around his cock. “Keep watching as I come inside your pussy.”

It’s a helluva fight, but I desperately want to see his face in the mirror as he explodes inside me. I grip the vanity counter and watch the man I love come apart inside me. It’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe I almost said no to this. That I ever chose anyone else over Rowan.

I meet his gaze in the mirror as his cock pulses inside me. “I love you, Rowan. I need to tell you—”

A loud rapping on the door startles us both. “Sorry to interrupt guys,” Sophia’s voice calls through the door, “but it’s time for dinner.”



Kinley’s fingers are threaded through mine beneath the dining table. I’m much calmer than I was before dinner, when I was ready to rip my dad a new asshole for allowing Cas to blindside me. Now that I’ve been taken down a few notches—thanks to Kinley —I can think clearly. I lean over and kiss her cheek. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“This filet is damn delicious,” Cassius says, mostly to Dad. As if I’m not even in the room. Thank God I’m sated from powder room sex with my girlfriend and don’t really give a shit.

“Picked them up fromMountain Primeon my way over,” Dad answers. “Best steaks in a hundred miles if you remember.” He directs this back to Cas, as if they’re the only two in the conversation. “Too bad Grant’s retiring.”

“Grant Bellinger?” Sophia chimes in.

“He’s moving to Arizona,” Grandma Dottie says with a heavy sigh. “Damn shame. But he’s got grandkids down there.”

The mention of grandkids causes a weird flipflop in my stomach. I glance at Kinley, wondering if after all this time I’ll finally get that happily ever after with her. My dream life always involved a bunch of kids with two loving parents who never picked favorites. She strokes my hand with her thumb. A silent confirmation that we are indeed on the same page. I better get a ring so we can start making that family sooner rather than later.

“Guess I better get my fill before he closes the doors,” Cas says, stabbing his last bite of filet with a fork. “I know my way around a grill, but I’m not too proud to admit my steaks have never come out as tender and juicy as Grant’s.”

“Rowan makes a delicious filet,” Kinley pipes up. “I might argue that it’s even better than this one.”

My stomach clenches as I squeeze her hand, a silent plea for her to leave her comment at that.

“I didn’t know filet mignon was on the diner’s menu,” Dad says, his eyebrows drawn in confusion.

“It’s not,” Kinley announces. “You should have him grill for you one night. You might be surprised at his hidden talents.”

“Kin,” I say in a low warning, imploring her to stop talking about this. Does she have any ideawhyI keep this secret to myself? She’s been around my family long enough to know they can be unintentionally cruel. They’d think my love of cooking was intended as a joke to amuse them. Nothing I could be serious about.

Besides, I’ve worked too damn hard at the company to walk away now. For … what?

We finish off our plates in the familiar strained silence that leaves me missing my mom. She passed when I was very young. But I remember a cozy dinner table with laughter. In this oversize log cabin, even a simple take-out meal feels formal and cold.

“Girls, why don’t you help me clear the table?” Grandma Dottie says to Kinley and Sophia. I know the cue. It’s time for the men to talk.

“Where’s Reena at, Dad?” I ask.

“Miami.” Dad reaches for his glass of scotch, emptying it. He finally looks straight at me. “She’s looking at properties. We’re moving before winter hits. I’m retiring. Handing the reins over. It’s time.”

The blow is surprisingly strong considering I was tipped off less than an hour before. My Dad’s moving out of Alaska? He was born and raised in this state. Alaska is in every cell of him. He swore he’d die before he ever left. This has to be Reena’s doing. “But Florida, Dad? Are you sure?”

“It’s why I asked Cas to come back to town,” Dad says, dropping another bomb. It was my understanding my brother showed up of his own volition. That Dad was so damn happy he was done living off the grid that he happily let Cas slip right back into his old role. But to find out that Dad actually went out of his way—

“What about me, Dad? Does the work I’ve put in meannothing?”

“Dessert is served!” Grandma Dottie’s sing-songy voice interrupts the tension, but it still hangs heavily in the room as Sophia places a plate in front of everyone. “These apple fritters are todiefor.”

“Rowan made them. They’re amazing! I bet you’ve never had one better,” Kinley announces proudly. In any other moment, in any other setting, her adoration would get me hard as a fucking rock. I’d be tugging her out of the room and fucking her in the nearest coat closet to express my appreciation. But right now, the credit she’s giving me feels like a lead weight in my stomach. I don’t want it. Not here. Notnow.

“Just what the hell do they have you doing at the diner?” Cas asks, the smug smirk taunting me from across the table.
