Page 132 of Blush

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And with all the deep, dark passion of this place, with what this place conjures in me.

What Jackson conjures in me.

In the end, it’s Jackson who breaks the kiss.

Jackson who gazes at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.

“Come with me, Mandy. Come with me to the dark side.”

Chapter Forty-Eight


Only one suite is available, and it’s just been vacated. Employees are sanitizing, so I stand outside the door with Mandy while they finish.

“Are you sure about this?” I ask her.

“I’m sure.”

“Be very sure. Once we go inside, I’m in charge.”

She swallows. It’s not audible, but I see the movement in her neck.

“I understand, Jackson.”

“Do you?” I touch her cheek gently. Does she know what I’m after?

She smiles slightly. “I understand…sir.”

God, she sounds just like a submissive. Dare I hope?

The jealousy that invaded me when I saw her dancing with that stripper felt like razor-sharp knives cutting my flesh open. I’ve never felt anything like it, and damn, I never want to feel it again.

Except Ihavefelt it before.

When I caught her with Zorro at this very club.

The night my friend Ben betrayed me.

He apologized the next day. I forgave him, of course. He’s my employer, but even more than that, he’s my friend. He was trying to show me that I felt something more for Mandy than I was willing to admit. I threw his accusations into the back of my mind and took a break from sex, from the club.

From Mandy.

And now, a month later? Seeing her up onstage with that dancer?

I finally have to admit it.

Mandy is more to me than just my best friend. Perhaps she always has been.

I love her.

I fucking love her, and I’ve never loved any woman.

I have to find out. I have to find out if we can be together, because if we can’t? If she can’t be a willing participant in the kind of lifestyle I enjoy?

I have to make a decision.

Do I give up my lifestyle? Or do I give up Mandy?
