Page 148 of Blush

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“A woman?”

“You got that right.” I shoot the bourbon, letting the smoky rawness crawl like acid down my throat. “Could I bother you for another?” I slide a fifty across the bar. Money talks.

He pockets the bill. “Sure. But this time it’s really last call.”

Chapter Fifty-One


The clock ticks.

Okay, the only clock in my apartment is on my phone, and it doesn’t technically tick, but I hear it in my head—a bizarre sound that makes me tenser with every minute that passes. It’s nearing one p.m.

Jackson promised to call before noon. That we’d talk.

Like a fool, I believed him.

Damn it. Iheardhim say the words. I heard him say that he loves me. Clearly, he spoke only in the heat of the moment. Must’ve been a great orgasm for him, too.

Are we back to this again? Are we going to go another month without speaking? Just because he got into something that he can’t deal with?

As much as I love him, and as much as I know I will always love him, perhaps he truly is not the right man for me.

Maybe it’s time…

Maybe it’s time to update that Lustr profile. If a relationship is what I want, I have to face the fact that it may not be with Jackson.

I was looking for a teacher, and Jackson at least gave me that.

I know a lot more than I did two months ago, for sure. I know I enjoy a little bit of kink. I know I enjoy being submissive in the bedroom. I have some ideas about how to give blow jobs. I’ll be able to do even better if my hands are available to me.

After getting in a few hours of work, I decide to call Michael to book another training session at the gym. I sure as heck paid for that last one. It was awful. I hurt for a week, but like a moron, I didn’t go back and continue the training. I let my body heal, and now I have to do it all over again and be in pain.

If I keep working the same muscles, the pain will go away, and I’ll be stronger.

Frankie kept telling me that, and I knew she was right.

And Michael told me that, too.

He also asked if he could see me outside of the gym, but he never called.

So I call him.

“Mandy Thomas,” he says into my ear.

“How do you know it’s me?”

“Your name comes up on my screen. Like it does for all my contacts.”

The warmth of my blush. Embarrassment swirls through me. “Oh. I guess I didn’t realize you had plugged in my name as a contact.”

“I plug in everyone as a contact.”

“Oh. Of course.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I’d like to book another session at the gym with you.”
