Page 152 of Blush

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Only to have a woman with two grocery bags bump into me and knock me to the dirty subway floor.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, ma’am.”

I pick myself up, not bothering to wipe off the dust, and grab a pole. “Not a problem. This is actually the highlight of the day I’ve had.”

Monday morning, and Jackson still hasn’t called. After getting a few hours of work in and eating my light breakfast, I head to the gym for my appointment with Michael.

“Let’s chat a bit,” he says.

“What about?”

He cocks his head. “About your goals and objectives, Mandy. What did you think I wanted to talk about?”

God, the embarrassment, the warmth of the blush. Either he forgot he wanted to see me outside the gym, or he changed his mind.

“I don’t know where my head is this morning. Okay. Goals and objectives. Just to tone up a little before my sister’s wedding in two months.”

“You don’t actually want to lose weight?”

The blush again. “Do you think I need to?”

“No, but a lot of women think they need to look supermodel thin.” He reddens. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to imply—”

“Stop. I know I’m not supermodel thin. I just want to tone up. I’d like my tummy to be a little flatter, my arms and legs to be a little more defined.”

“You look great, but there certainly are a few exercises we could do. I can definitely help you get a little more definition in your arms. And, as for your stomach, we’ll just work on your core strength. That’s important for your whole body, and it will help tone up your abs as well.”

“Sounds great. Let’s get started.”

“You’re going to hate what I have to say first, though.”

I roll my eyes. “I know. Cardio. A freaking half hour of cardio.”

“Right. And the elliptical is your best bet, Mandy. It actually works muscle groups as you move, which the treadmill and bike don’t really do, other than your legs.”

“What the heck. If I’m serious about this, I need to take your advice. Lead me to the damned elliptical.”

After Michael kicks my ass for an hour, I head home and finish my work for the day. For dinner, I make myself a Lean Cuisine. Good enough. Now for a night of Netflix bingeing.

It’s been that kind of day.

It’s been that kind of couple of days.

My phone rings, and I don’t recognize the number, so I let it go to voicemail.

Who cares anyway?

I fall asleep on the couch with Roger curled in my arms.

I jerk awake, still on the sofa, as my phone alarm blares at seven a.m. I rise, still in my workout clothes, and take Roger out for a quick walk around the block to do his business.

When I return, I grab my phone and notice I have a voicemail.

The call from last night.
