Page 23 of Pocus

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Aunt Celia’s voice suddenly filters into my thoughts, and I almost reel backward from the impact of the memory. I hang my head wordlessly and let the shame of my existence wash over me. Of course…it’s always my fault. How can I ever forget that?

“Can you leave, please?” Abigail asks in a small shaky voice. “It’s hard being in your presence.”

Get out! Go!

Their mangled voices seep into my head, threatening to drive me off the edge of sanity. I suddenly hear a little sniff and the past immediately fades into nothingness. I glance at Abigail, she’s trying to hide behind her palms. but I see her clearly….

My chest constricts like it always does whenever I’m around her.She’s crying…And it’s my fault. I feel a heavy weight settle in my chest. I feel lower than scum.

“I’ll have the doctor check up on you,” I say, standing up from my chair. With that, I turned around to leave the room.

“What’s your name?”

Her voice stops me in my tracks; my hand on the doorknob.

She asks in such a small voice that I might have imagined it, except when I turn around to check, her eyes are boring expectantly into mine.

“Pocus,” I reply simply and head out of the room. I closed the door gently behind me – but not before her soft whisper filtered into my ears.




The sound comes again, more urgent this time. I sit up in bed, throwing a quick glance at my alarm clock. It’s barely six in the morning. I look back at my constantly ringing phone, wondering why Seer is calling me so early.

I quickly answer the call. “What the hell?”

“Open your door,” Seer says without preamble.

“What?” I ask incredulously, but the line has already gone dead.

I get out of bed and go to open my door. Seer immediately pushes past me and goes to sit on my couch. “I think I figured it out,” he says quickly.

I blink at him in surprise. “What the hell is going on, Seer? You figured what out?”

“The issue with Abigail Miller,” he replies.

I immediately become interested in what he has to say at the mention of Abigail’s name. I suddenly don’t mind my sleep being interrupted in the early hours of the morning.

“Really?” I ask, not caring if I sound too eager. “What is it?”

“A hex,” Seer simply says as if that’s supposed to make lights go off in my head.

“Care to elaborate?” I say dryly.

“I think she was hexed not to remember her night errands,” Seer explains. “I was trying to recall where I saw a similar situation, but the memory kept escaping me yesterday, so I discarded it. But then, I was in the shower when I suddenly remembered that I read about it in a book.”

“Wait a second,” I say, holding a hand up to stop him. “Are you saying that someone is blocking off parts of her memories with magic?”

Seer shakes his head. “Not magic. No…Dark sorcery. It’s only sorcery that can mess so badly with a human’s sense of reality. More clearly, she isn’t herself during those times that she doesn’t remember. She’s being controlled by someone.”

“It makes more sense now,” I mutter, shaking my head slowly. Abigail wasn’t pretending…she truly didn’t remember. In all fairness…she didn’t do the things I thought she did.

I’d been more than unfair to her.

“We may be dealing with more than we imagined with Anderson Grey,” Seer says quietly.
