Page 54 of Pocus

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“So, it’s about me then,” I say with a defeated sigh. I pour myself a shot of whiskey, but it suddenly tastes like water in my mouth. “Tell me all of it…every damn detail.”

Seer’s brows pull together thoughtfully as he tries to recall the details of his vision. “I don’t know why or where, but I saw you throwing things, screaming, and raging like a beast. It was…a distressing picture.”

That scenario sounds very familiar. I feel my stomach sink with trepidation. I lean back weakly in my seat and let out a shaky breath.

Does this mean that the world is about to find out my real identity?

A beast.



The door suddenly bursts open and Graveyard storms into the room, leaving the door to slam behind him. He looks like a charging rhino, ready for anyone that gets in his way. He’s holding his black helmet in his right hand in a deathly grip, his left hand fisted tightly at his side. He starts toward the bar but then stops in his tracks and slams his helmet on the ground. The loud bang ricochets through the now silent room, followed by silent echoes.

“Merde!” Graveyard mutters loudly and rakes a hand roughly through his hair.

“What the hell, Graveyard?” I ask, rising to my feet. I’ve known the doctor for years, and I’ve never seen him so angry. He is always the voice of reason around here.

Graveyard drops onto the long couch with a ragged sigh. “Fucking motherfuckers think they can judge me on my business. I can’t fucking believe it.”

“You need to tell us what’s going on, doc,” Seer says calmly from his place on the couch.

Graveyard sighs again and mutters a long string of curse words under his breath. “Somehow, the state board found out that Laura Miller is being treated at my hospital and that she was moved without due procedures, and now they want to revoke my medical license. They’re saying I broke a bunch of rules. The board usually doesn’t give a damn about what I do with my hospital, but now they’re suddenly nose deep in my business.”

“Fuck!” My chest clenches with guilt toward Graveyard because I know more than anyone how much his practice means to him. “I’m sorry, man. This is all my fault.”

Graveyard shakes his head at me. “No, Prez. Something just ain’t right.”

I was just about to ask what he means by that when my phone rings loudly in my cut's breast pocket. I take it out, muttering a low curse under my breath. I’m surprised to see Reaper’s caller ID on the screen. I quickly swipe to pick up the call.


“How’s it going, my man?”

Reaper’s deep voice came across as cool, but I can clearly perceive the anxiety in his voice. “What happened?” I ask quietly, skipping the pleasantries.

Reaper sighs dejectedly. “A bunch of thugs attacked the clubhouse. It was nothing serious… Tongue had a few heads rolling and shit. But while we were being distracted out front, one of them tried to break into Evanesce’s room. So she pulled her disappearing act until Bullseye, and some other club members arrived. Evanesce is completely fine, by the way. She’s not hurt. I just thought you should know… In case this has something to do with the troubles that have been bothering you down there.”

I run my hand down my face speechlessly and slowly lower the phone from my ear. If this is Anderson’s doing, I swear I’m going to fucking rip his throat out and….

My phone rings again, interrupting my murderous thoughts. I glance at my phone screen, and the blood seems to freeze in my veins for all of one second.

I raise the phone slowly up to my ear, my teeth gritted hard to contain the red hot fury that’s started to claw at my chest.

“You better not be behind any of these, Anderson, or I’m going to make your life a living hell. I fucking promise you!”

His answering laugh echoes loudly in my head. “Enough with the empty threats already, my friend. You’re beginning to sound desperate.”

As my chest tightens with helpless frustration, I rake a hand through my hair. I can hardly breathe now. I can feel my self-control slipping further away with each breath I take.

I groan loudly into my palm, biting down on my lower lip until I taste blood. Maybe the sting will keep me in check…I have to stay alert.

“Why the hell are you going this far, Anderson?”

“Well, my friend,” Anderson drawls. “We had a deal, but it seems like you don’t intend to keep your end. I’m a very patient man, but I hate being tested. I thought you might not have gotten my message the last time I was there, so I thought I’d give you a little nudge. You can’t hide her from me, Pocus. I can always find her…and take her. But I am a diplomatic man; I don’t believe in force. Have Evanesce return to New Orleans, or things will only worsen. Your doctor friend can kiss his license goodbye, and you don’t have to worry about ever seeing your sister again. There’s only so much those bunch of idiots in Vegas can do to protect her. And, moving Laura Miller away from Graceland was a shitty move, by the way. You played right into my hands. I know you have my personal assistant,” he chuckles breezily, a deliberate derisive sound.

“You must think you really are special to try and take me on, but you’re nothing but a freak, my friend.”
