Page 69 of Pocus

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Mama shakes her head solemnly.

“I’m afraid it’s too late, Pocus,” she says. “She’s near the end.”

* * *


Iquietly step out of the shadows into his line of sight. Anderson lifts his head from the file in his hands and raises his eyebrows at me. He doesn’t seem at all surprised to see me in his study at two in the morning. He closes the file in front of him and leans back in his seat with a smooth smile.

“Pocus, my friend,” he drawls quietly. “It’s good to see you.” His gaze slides to the gun in my hand and back to my face. “I don’t suppose you’re here for a friendly chat, so I won’t offer you tea. What do you want?”

“Abigail,” I enunciate slowly. “Where is she?”

Anderson’s brows deepen in an oblivious frown. “Abigail? Who is...? Are you talking about my former assistant? Last I checked, she doesn’t work for me anymore.”

“You, bastard,” I mutter with cold fury. “Do you think I don’t know what you do to the women who work for you? You control them with dark spells and make them do your dirty work. What have you done to Abigail this time?”

Anderson narrows his eyes at me with a humorless smile. “I don’t suppose you’re here to throw around baseless accusations, Mr. Pocus, are you?”

I cock my gun and aim it at his head. “I don’t mind going to jail after I kill you, Anderson.”

“Is that right?” Anderson snickers amusedly. “Now, where’s the fun in that?”

“Where the fuck is Abigail?”

“I don’t…motherfucker!” Anderson howls, doubling over in pain. He clutches at his arm where my bullet struck him. He glances down at the blood seeping through his nightshirt with disbelief. “You, asshole! You shot me! How dare you?”

I cock my gun again and aim it at his heart. “That was just a taste,” I say with a small, humorless smile. “I won’t give you a second chance.”

Anderson grabs onto the table for support. He moans quietly and mutters a curse word under his breath.

“Tell me,” I say slowly. “Where is Abigail?”

Anderson starts to say something, but suddenly there’s a curt knock at the door. He raises his eyes to the doorway, and I can swear I see relief across his dark eyes.

“Come in, you fools!” Anderson hollers.

I turn around in time to see a SWAT squad of about ten men barge into Anderson’s study with their guns aimed at me like I’m the fucking criminal.

“Drop your weapon!” the officer in front bellows loudly. He’s a tall, dark-skinned man who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. He seems like the team leader, seeing as he’s the only one whose face isn’t covered with a helmet. “Do you hear me, sir? Drop your weapon!”

I glance down at the red dots on my body and stare back at the cops who swore to protect the citizens of NOLA… Here they are, readily available at the beck and call of Anderson Grey. I suppose he’s in cahoots with their superiors, or is this all the Mayor’s doing? I raise my free hand and stoop slowly to place my gun on the ground.

“Kick it forward and keep your hands in the air,” the team leader says. I do as he says, and he bends down to pick up the gun, keeping his eyes on mine all the while.

I couldn’t help a snicker of amusement as I watched two paramedics rush into the room toward Anderson. He holds a hand up, signaling for them to wait, and like the cops behind them, they step back obediently.

“What the fuck...,” I mutter quietly, running a hand through my hair in frustration. I turn around to face Anderson. “What the hell is all of this?”

“Did you think you could come into my house and go out at will?” Anderson asks through gritted teeth. “Of course, I knew you’d barge into my house like a raging lunatic. You are all bark and no bite. That’s all you ever will be. I will ruin you and everything you’ve ever worked for. I hope you look forward to that.” He signals to the obediently waiting cops in the background. “What are you waiting for? Take this bastard out of here.”

The officer in front steps forward and jerks my arms down behind my back. “You are under arrest for breaking and entering, illegal arms possession, and attempted murder,” he says, slamming his cuffs on my wrists. “You have the right to an attorney….”

I can barely hear a word of what he’s saying over the angry roar in my head.

I should have killed Anderson Grey when I had the chance.

The thought keeps ringing in my head as I watch Anderson being wheeled out ceremoniously on a gurney.
