Page 46 of Seer

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“What does he want?”

“He’s ready to talk.”

“I wonder what took him so long,” I say with a derisive snort. “When do we leave?”

“I,” he corrects me.


“He wants me to come alone.”

* * *

Iwatch Seer settle into the bed with a sigh. He stretches his arms out and turns to me with a silly smile. I shake my head amusedly and crawl into his arms, laying my head on his chest. His arms instantly come around me, forming a cocoon of safety and comfort. I let the silence that enveloped us stretch for a while, contenting myself with listening to the unsteady rhythm of his heart.



His response sounds distant… distracted.

I turn around in his arms so that I can look into his face. “What’s wrong, Papi?”

He looks at me, a pleased grin spreading across his features. “Papi… I like the sound of that. Say it again.”



Without warning, he lowers his mouth to mine. He kisses me roughly. Hard. His hands are on my throat, choking me down while his mouth ravages mine. I press my body into him, bunching his locks in my hands as I respond wantonly to his kiss. Then his lips soften. The tempo changes and his tongue glides slowly against mine. I can feel the rapid beat of his heart and taste the faint flavor of the alcohol he must have had minutes ago.

I brace my hands on his chest and push away before I get swept off in the magic of his hand and mouth. “Wait, Seer.”

“What is it, baby?” Seer mutters distractedly, kissing my neck and my shoulders down to my chest.

“Seer,” I call more firmly this time. “Stop.”

Seer sits back with a woeful sigh. I chuckle slightly and lean over to kiss the tip of his nose just because he looks so cute right now. “I’m sorry, Papi. Let’s talk first.”

It feels good to call him Papi, and I love how much he likes it. His eyes are clouded with such dark promises. I’m almost tempted to cave in and let him have his way with me–almost.

He must see the resolution in my eyes because he lets out a dramatic sigh of defeat and leans back against the headboard with a pout that looks too good on him.

“Okay, baby. What do you want to talk about?”

“It’s just…,” I sigh softly, suddenly unsure of how best to convey my feelings. “I know I said we should only do this for a while, but I don’t want this to be a meaningless fling. We need to build a relationship that goes beyond sex. I… I want you to be able to talk to me, and I want to do the same with you. For whatever amount of time we have together, I want to be your person. I pause to search his eyes, trying to figure out his reaction to my words. But his expression remains inscrutable. I clear my throat nervously, ignoring the feeling of dread that settles in the pit of my stomach. “I’m asking for too much, aren’t I?”

Seer turns to look at me, and his mouth is turned up in a solemn, almost sad smile. “No, you aren’t. It’s just…,” he shrugs hesitantly. “What if I get too attached?”


“What if I do something silly, like fall in love with you?”

My heart pulsates violently and then stops altogether. And for a moment, I can breathe or do anything other than stare into those beautiful blue eyes. I drop my gaze and clear my throat awkwardly.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” I stuttered quietly. “If it’s too much, I’ll….”

“No,” Seer says quickly. “No, it’s not too much. The problem is that I don’t know how far I’m allowed to go. I’ll take as much as you’re willing to offer, but am I allowed to be greedy?”

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