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“Oh! Yes, I had forgotten. It was a successful event, if I remember correctly—at least for me. Grant bid a bit extravagantly on the silent auction for a week in Hawaii. But he won, and it was a wonderful trip.”

It had, in fact, been a bone of contention between them because she thought it ridiculous to spend three times more for a trip just because it was for charity. It had been at a time when they hadn’t been wholly comfortable in their finances, and she’d felt that Grant wanted to show off to his peers. had been a surprisingly relaxing week. The only vacation they had taken without Chase since his birth—her dad and sister had flown out and stayed at the house with Chase that week, happy to have the time with him.

“I’m glad you have fond memories. I’ll make sure to reserve you a seat at my table for the next fundraiser. It’ll be in September, at the Sofitel in Lafayette Square.”

“I’m only visiting,” she said. “I moved to Arizona.”

“Oh, well, itisfor charity if you decide to fly out for the event. It was good to see you. Grant.” Seidel nodded to her ex-husband. “If I need your expertise, I’ll have Franklin call you in.”

“Of course. Anything you need, let me know.”

Franklin’s assistant stepped out and Seidel and Vance followed him into the main office. When the door closed behind them, Grant breathed easier.

“What was that all about?” Regan asked.

“What? Oh—nothing.”

“You were nervous.”

“They’re our biggest clients. Seidel, and his company BioRise Pharmaceuticals. I didn’t know Franklin was meeting with them today, I should have.”

He kissed her on the cheek. “Goodbye, Regan.”

Before she could respond, he left her alone in the lobby.

Regan stepped into the elevator, wondering what the hell was really going on.


Regan spotted the tail as soon as she left the parking garage. It appeared to be the same or similar black SUV that she’d eluded yesterday. This time, she wanted answers.

She called Charlie as she drove at the speed limit through Arlington. She wasn’t an idiot; she didn’t want to lose them, but she needed backup. Unfortunately headquarters was twenty minutes away, longer with traffic, and if they behaved like yesterday, they’d turn off before she got near the courthouse.

“The SUV that followed me yesterday is back.”

“Where are you now?”

“On Glebe, turning north onto Wilson.”

“Head back here, I’ll come out front and—”

“No, they avoided the cameras at the courthouse yesterday. I need to find out what is going on. Trap them. How fast can you get out?”

“To Arlington?”

“I’ll lead them to—” She thought. “I need a place where I can box them in, no civilians.”

“The frontage road south of Reagan Airport,” Charlie said. “The city maintenance facility.”

“Right—the back of the yard is completely fenced at the dead end, perfect.”

“There are security cameras all over that area. I’m already walking out—I’ll meet you there. Don’t confront them alone, Regan.”

“Roger that.”

Regan ended the call so she could focus on driving.

In the rearview mirror, she couldn’t make out anything distinctive about the occupants in the car tailing her. Both males inside wore dark clothing. The passenger appeared Asian and the driver Caucasian. She tried to get a better look at them as she turned the corner, but tinted windows made a visual difficult. No front plate and the SUV looked like the same or a similar vehicle as the first that had followed her.

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